Saturday, January 26, 2013

Home made skin beauty tips

Many models and celebrities abandon the most expensive professional products altogether and instead rely on home beauty tips passed on from colleagues and make-up artists. Here are some great ideas.
Acne Remedies
Garlic is known for its anti bacterial properties and makes an excellent acne treatment. Press some garlic into a paste and leave it on your acne and pimples for 15 minutes then rinse off. Another solution is mashed-up honey and apple, applied individually to pimples. Also, try dabbing some tea tree oil on the pimple to dry it out and kill any bacteria.
There are some excellent natural facemask treatments for acne. Try applying a layer of ripe tomato pulp, cooked oatmeal or egg yolk to your face and letting it dry.
Finally, fruits are natural acid exfoliants and can help to get rid of your acne scars. Applying a puree of pineapple for 15 minutes will both freshen you up and reduce the impact of acne marks. Another great solution is lemon juice, but be careful as it can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight.
There are more tips >>>

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pregnancy Yoga Exercises for Body and Soul

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Yoga has much to offer moms-to-be: calming breathing and deep relaxation techniques; toning for buttocks and thigh muscles (making it easier to carry extra weight and to deliver in a squatting position); strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles (used in childbirth); help for some pregnancy-specific aches and pains, like lower back pain, and possibly edema.

Other bonuses include increased flexibility and stamina and improved balance and posture, says Jnani Chapman, executive director of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, in Mill Valley, CA. Plus, it's a safe form of exercise for most expectant women, although if you have a history of problems such as diabetes, hypertension, or miscarriage, you should avoid it.

Third Trimester Symptoms

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The last trimester of pregnancy is full of contrasts: You're revved up for the homestretch but tired. You're thirsty but you often have to go to the bathroom. Treating your body -- and mind -- to the right kind of care is essential. Here's how your body changes, and how best to take care of yourself.

Growing fatigue

Not only are you lugging around an extra 20 to 30 pounds (or more), your expanding uterus rearranges other organs in your body, adding extra strain. You'll likely have to slow down a little, but you also want to keep your energy up. So:

Do small amounts of exercise. A walk around the block will do the trick. Swimming and prenatal yoga are good options, too, but make sure you listen to your body. If you're tiring sooner, slow down. And if the thought of even rising from an armchair seems like a workout, just stay put.

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Second Trimester Symptoms

second trimester signs,2nd trimester signs,second trimester,2nd trimester,second trimester symptoms,pregnancy symptoms,2nd trimester symptoms,second trimester pregnancy symptoms
The span from week 13 to week 27 of pregnancy is called the "honeymoon period" for good reason: Typically, nausea subsides, emotions even out, and sex drive returns. It's also the time when you'll start to feel the baby's first movements. What other changes are in store? Read on.

The nausea subsides

By the second trimester, most women find that morning sickness tapers off or stops completely. If you're still feeling queasy, talk to your doctor about increasing your intake of vitamin B6, which has been shown to settle the stomach. Around this time you'll start to experience another discomfort in the tummy: abdominal aches, which are a result of your growing uterus and the stretch of the surrounding ligaments.

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First Trimester Symptoms

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Pickles and ice cream. Waves of nausea. We've all heard about the various cravings and symptoms that moms-to-be experience. But every woman responds differently to the hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy. What can you expect? Here are the common symptoms during the first trimester.

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Safe Baby Teething Remedies

baby teething remedies,soothe teething,natural teething remedies,homeopathic teething cures

Gum Massage

All you need is a clean finger for this old-fashioned teething remedy. Gentle counter-pressure from Mom or Dad applied to a baby’s sore gums can help ease the pain of teething.

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Vicious cycle of sleep apnea and obesity in kids

The classic pediatric sleep apnea patient is a skinny 6-year-old with chronic congestion and dark circles under his eyes.

We still see many kids in the sleep center who match this profile, but over the past 10 years, a new clinical picture has emerged. Coinciding with the dramatic rise in childhood obesity, there is a clear change in our younger patients.

We now see many overweight children in the sleep clinic who have obstructive sleep apnea that resembles the adult version.

The thin child with OSA does not usually act sleepy in the daytime. On the contrary, they often act hyperactive or inattentive. In fact, their symptoms can mimic attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
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