Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Benefits Of Birch Sap

    It's no secret that birch sap - a product that has many valuable properties. Malaise, weakness, spring depression, fatigue - all these phenomena can be overcome only one glass of birch sap healing for 2-3 weeks. In this article we describe the basic useful properties of birch sap and share some recipes. List of substances contained in the sap of birch is very large: iron, calcium, glucose, minerals and many others.

    Do not want to spring colds or infections? Drink it the juice, and they (as well as allergic diseases) will bypass your side. Bring tremendous benefits of this ancient drink and those who are concerned about the problems with the stomach, kidneys, bladder, liver. Arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, headaches, bronchitis, scurvy, tuberculosis and venereal diseases - virtually no disease can survive a natural remedy.
Useful birch sap and cosmetic problems. If you're concerned about acne, or excessively dry skin, rub the face of the miraculous tree sap.

    Let us recall a few recipes using birch sap. For example, a face mask. Take 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp. honey and 2 tbsp. l.birch sap. How should mix. Apply mask on your face and wait 15 minutes. Wash cool water. Skin calm, smooth, satisfied with nutrients.
If you are worried about dandruff, wash your hair birch sap and birch leaves, infused in water. You'll see how they shine, and will grow faster.

    From the surplus of birch sap can make a very nice sparkling kvass. The recipe is not complicated. Heat a liter of juice to 35 degrees, add 20 g of yeast, a few raisins, a little lemon zest. Zakuporte bottle and take it out in 2 weeks. Birch sap will make you once again! The only contraindication for the drink - are allergic to birch pollen.

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