Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sugar Substitutes And Slimming

    When you are thinking hard to lose weight or just maintain your weight and do not recover, the first thing that comes to mind - is to stop using sugar, therefore, begin to use sugar substitutes. Sweeteners contain very few calories and they are much sweeter than sugar, it means. That they can use and consume more and more than sugar.

    As a sugar substitute often used these sweeteners - saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, nonnegative, acesulfame potassium and stevia. But can these sweeteners really help you in the problem of excess weight? And what could be the consequences of their use for your health? This problem is very important and the debate has been going on or one year. Let's look at it from all sides.

    Some scientists argue that artificial sweeteners do nothing to help weight loss. They claim that our bodies can not distinguish between artificial sweeteners and sugar.They believe that artificial sweeteners behave in the body as well as sugar in the body and activate all the same processes, including weight gain.
But more often, avoiding sugar and the use of substitutes is going to weight loss.Anyone who has previously used with 2-3 tablespoons of sugar in coffee, and then switched to artificial sweeteners will confirm this. So is not this proof?

    Another controversy surrounding the artificial sweetener turns on the fact that their use can lead to cancer. However, these data are based mainly on experiments with rats.And we're not rats! Our organisms are very much different. Indeed, research involving human subjects have shown that sugar substitutes do not affect the occurrence of cancer. However, there is no concrete evidence of the first assertion, nor the second.

    All things in moderation. Of course, the idea is to use sugar substitutes in large quantities, not the best. For successful weight loss and maintaining overall health, you need to eat more natural foods, do not put cooked fruits and vegetables, as well as reduce the amount of food consumed, in any case do not overeat!
The key to consistent and permanent weight loss is to understand what our bodies really need and in what quantities. We must learn to understand the signals that we send the body and not ignore them. Once you reach oneness with your body, then surprised to find that extra weight go away by themselves.
For the hurried weight loss does not need to count every eaten a piece of you.Although funds for the replacement of sugar and can help you lose weight, they are unable to offer you long-term outcome. Successful weight loss does not begin with the stomach and the head.

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