Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Position Of The Fetus During Pregnancy

    From the moment of conception a baby, its growth and development occurs in the uterus. Throughout pregnancy until 33 - 35 weeks, the fetus may hold the most diverse position. At this period the child's weight is less than 500 grams, while the body length of about 25 cm.
    Such dimensions allow the child to him to float freely in the amniotic fluid. As your child grows, it becomes a bit crowded, and sooner or later he takes a stable and final position in the uterus. With 35 weeks obstetrician determines what part of the body baby closest to the entrance of the pelvis were women.
The ratio of the longitudinal position of the body of the fetus to the longitudinal axis of the uterus is called the fetal position.

    Distinguish between longitudinal position - longitudinal axis of the fetus and the uterus are the same.
Lateral position - longitudinal axis of the fetus crosses the uterus at a right angle.Oblique position - longitudinal axis of the fetus and the uterus form an acute angle.Transverse and oblique position occurs only 5% of cases and is considered a pathology. Most often, the longitudinal position of the fetus.
Presentation of the fetus - the ratio of the largest part of the body of the fetus to the entrance of women in a small basin. If the baby's head to the entrance of a small basin located closest to, we speak of cephalic presentation. It is very common.Occurs in 96% of women. On the breech say that if the pelvic end predlezhit to a small pelvis women.

    Cephalic presentation can also be occipital, frontal, facial, perednelobnym. Emit the same type of flexion of the baby's head, usually in the occipital vertex presentation, fetal chin pinned to his chest.
Extensor type - head of the fetus is in the extensor position varying degrees. Occurs when perednegolovnom, frontal, personal presentation.

    Dangerous than childbirth for extensor positions? Delivery may be prolonged, and in case of no match head size with the size of the pelvis mother, birth vaginally may be difficult and sometimes not possible.

Factors that contribute to the emergence of extensor fetal position:
- Polyhydramnios and dry years.
- Small fruit weight or prematurity, or, conversely, large fruit.
- Uncoordinated contraction of the uterus.
- A narrow pelvis.
- The abnormal development of the uterus and fetus.

    When breech distinguish pure breech presentation - where the entrance can be made to the buttocks of the fetus. Foot praevia - turned legs of the fetus. If converted, and legs and buttocks, then talk about the rump-foot mixed presentation.
Reasons malposition:
- Abnormalities of the uterus (saddle, two-horned)
- A narrow pelvis, any pelvic tumors.
- Reduction of uterine tone or increased tone.
- Aborted fetus and the premature development.
- The abnormal fetal development.
- Multiple pregnancy.
- Placenta praevia, if it is fully or partially covers the outlet of the uterus.
Diagnosis of fetal presentation. Palpation. With its help determine the height of standing uterus, fetal position and presentation. Ultrasound diagnosis.

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