Friday, February 4, 2011

1915 People's Councils For Hair Care

How to make our hair look great, not only the first two or three hours after visiting the beauty salon? For them to care: to wash, comb, and, of course, to nourish. The fight against dandruff and hair loss - a very simple matter. Here are some very useful traditional medicines and natural cosmetics:

1. Honey shampoo. It can prepare itself: 30 g of chamomile pour 100 g boiling water, an hour, strain and add a dessert spoon of honey. This solution is well wet hair and rinse after half an hour in warm water without soap. With greasy hair procedure applied once a week. When dry - once every 12 days.

2. If your hair is thin and split ends, rub into the scalp a mixture of fresh cabbage juice, lemon and spinach. It strengthens the hair, gives it a nice sheen.

3. Camomile tea is used for washing the hair with dandruff and hair loss, hair becomes lighter (2 tbsp. Tablespoons of flowers pour 1 / 2 liter of boiled water, and filter).

4. Sage has a medical strengthens the hair.

5. When dandruff and hair loss apply a decoction of the root of calamus. 4 tbsp. spoon roots soaked liter of water, boil for 5 minutes and wash hair.

6. Widespread therapeutic use of a nettle. Juice of fresh nettle eliminate dandruff, stops hair loss, and broth (2 tbsp. Tablespoons dried leaves pour one cup of boiling water, cover with a blanket, give popret 15 minutes) is used to rinse the hair after washing.

7. Dandruff and hair loss with use thistle burdock. On one table spoon of each plant brew 1 / 2 liter of boiled water, half an hour and rinsed his hair.

8. According to some experts, cucumbers because of the presence of sulfur are useful for those who have a propensity for baldness. Improves condition of hair, teeth, nails. In this case it is best to take a mixture of cucumber and carrot juice in a glass twice a day.

9. A mixture of cucumber and cabbage juice, taken equally, can be used to power the greasy hair. A mixture of rubbed into the scalp, causing hair becomes thick and fluffy.

10. When seborrhea of the scalp is used Ingredients: 1 part onion juice and 2 parts vodka. This mixture is rubbed daily in the scalp, except the days of washing.

11. With a significant loss of hair, for the prevention of natural and premature baldness, dandruff and brittle hair, to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands is recommended recipe: one tablespoon of yogurt (curd), cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon honey Grate 2 prongs of garlic and a little onion, add 1 tbsp. spoonful of tincture of calendula. This mixture is applied for 2-3 hours before washing your hair. Be sure to cover the polythene and a towel.

12. When hair loss used slurry from the cloves of garlic. Treatment is based on keratolicheskom action, apply garlic juice, mixed with an equal amount of lard.

13. Inside apply to food or clean a garlic clove and mix with 250 grams of yogurt, insist during the night and take a 2-3 hours.

14. Wild garlic (Ramson, bear bow) is also used in hair loss. Pulp of fresh, well-comminuted bulbs are applied to the scalp.

15. Onion juice is recommended to lubricate the scalp with seborrhea, female pattern baldness, to strengthen and increment of the hair. Hair becomes soft and shiny and your skin does not flake, does not form dandruff. From bulbar juice fade freckles. Admission into the onion and onion-mask (a mixture of onion gruel with honey, taken in equal numbers) prevents the appearance of wrinkles, the face is fresh.

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