Friday, February 4, 2011

Five Ways To Lose The Youth

Eternal Youth! But who needs it, the youth, beauty and health! Inhibits the constant attention of colleagues: oil men and slanting eyes - women. A boss is even worse - do not put any penny, giving rise to whom older! Well, it's not. Down with rosy cheeks, slender figure, and other signs of unfading youth!
To look older than his years, you will need to strictly follow our advice. And I can assure, will not pass a week, how are you just do not know!

1. The first thing you need to do - to reconsider your diet. Off a healthy, low-calorie foods. Let's say a decisive "no" vegetables, fruits, bran and other useful products - should feast on pastries, and not some out there with gifts of nature. Fish and dairy products should be completely banished from the diet - they successfully replace pork chops and ice cream. The first results of such diets appear very quickly, it will be a sallow complexion, dull hair, bowel problems and bad breath. A little more time will need to purchase rolls of fat on the spot waist, saggy cheeks and gastritis. But buying new clothes, you just guaranteed - after all the old stuff you will not fit in two weeks. Therefore, carefully read the second paragraph.

2. Wardrobe of a woman who decided to say goodbye to youth, should consist only of the things pale tones. Best of all, black. However, different shades of muddy brown and brown, too, would be quite appropriate and practical. The main thing - do not choose clothes in the boutiques and expensive stores - smart shop assistants in a flash you will pick up that emphasize carefully hidden charm. Better go to the market, it was there selling clothes remarkably featureless, which successfully hides all the most seductive. Pay special attention to the cut - it should be free to perfect bagginess. And the size is better to choose a stock - only the young ladies believe in the sanctity of the waist, while we must be prepared for anything. In addition, paragraph three.

3. Physical activity! That's really what is totally inappropriate for a woman who wants to lose their health and beauty. Give up exercise, jogging in the morning, gym and aerobics. Fresh air leads to a cold, swimming in different waters - to dysentery, walking - for corn. For greater effect, best not to stop walking. Lift and private car - our best friends, and not some where the sun, air and water. However, if you will faithfully carry out our recommendations, the desire to walk overtake you not soon enough.

4. Start smoking. This merciless weapon against youth - in one fell swoop you decide a lot of problems. White teeth and clean breath will no longer give out your true age, and a hoarse voice nakinet once a decade. Well, of course, additional bonuses - lifeless hair, stale skin, and soon there will be even wrinkles! In addition, smoking will give you the necessary solemnity and maybe a little pobezdelnichat. Going to a buffet of donuts, you can always tell lies that are going on break.

5. And the finishing touch on the road to respectability will be a dream. Rather, its absence. Ideally, of course, do not sleep at all, but if you really want, you can. Move the bed in the most stifling and dusty corner, buy the softest mattress and pillow. Ventilate the room, and even more so, to leave the window open at night - a terrible sin. It also drafts! In addition, the fresh air always want to sleep at night so many interesting things. For example, you can sit in the kitchen with a liter cup of coffee, cake and a cigarette and read a fascinating glossy magazines. Or, better yet, romance novels. If you are a man advanced, and use the Internet - move the treat closer to the monitor and enjoy reading. After a certain number of nightly gatherings of your eyes become wonderful reddish color and excellent framing of fine wrinkles.

These simple techniques will help you quickly throw to the age of one, even two decades. But, for reliability and perform the most important recommendation. Do not laugh. Never. Even in solitude, which does not take long. Try not to smile - it's undignified. In response to the joke will be limited only decent dry cautious nod - so people would not think you quite deaf.
Develop your gloom, pessimism and bad mood. And then before you kindly open door of the desired age.

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