Sunday, November 7, 2010

Planning For Baby: What Is A Genetic Disease?

    Each couple is only beginning to think about the continuation of a kind, dreams of a healthy baby. Often simply oblivious to the fact that currently the health of our generation is deteriorating rapidly. Few people know that in today's medical encyclopedia, there are about 5,000 genetic diseases that have already been studied to date.

    This does not mean that these diseases have arisen only in the last century. And does not mean that the development of pathologies are due to changes in environmental conditions and deterioration of food. Moreover, studies show that the environment does not affect the progression of genetic diseases. Just the current medicine is more developed in comparison with medicine, even the last century. And, in addition, technological advances that also helps.

    According to statistics, today 5.7% of newborns suffer from genetic diseases.Fortunately, some of them are curable at early stages. But still, there are diseases to cure that current medicine is not yet in force - this is Down syndrome, various forms of mental retardation, nervous and endocrine systems, etc.

    The couple even before the moment of conception and planning of the child can pass the course examination, which resulted in the conclusion, and experts will talk about the probability of a disease in an unborn baby. But it is also possible to diagnose a serious disease in the early stages of pregnancy. Most often it is a biopsy tissue from which further develops the placenta. Alas, not everyone has the opportunity and means to pass such an examination. Therefore, anyone who is planning the birth of a child should know at least that is a genetic disease and how they develop.

    Genetic diseases are inherited, the relevant genes. The reason for that are not parents themselves, and the case. If you and your partner has the same dangerously altered gene, then the probability of giving birth, that is, with this pathology - is very high. It is worth noting that the number of genes in the hundreds of thousands.
Also, a genetic disease may be effects on the fetus of other factors. It could be viral diseases such as measles or chickenpox. Medicines, X-ray irradiation or occupational hazard. And you just need to turn to genetics, in the event that:
- You have a child was born with genetic defects;
- Women over 35 years;
- Men over 50 years;
- Union of kinship;
- Through any of the parents were inherited abnormalities or malformations;
- Previously miscarriage, stillbirth or infertility.

    Today in USA, all newborn babies go through a survey of five hereditary diseases, which can be diagnosed by a blood test. This phenylketonuria, diagnosis at adrenogenital syndrome, congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, and galactosemia. If you stay in the hospital away from her baby, then you do not even see how and when to take such an analysis. Biomaterial is sent to a laboratory and if the deviation is not revealed, then you and your baby safely forget about the fact that the survey was carried out at all.

    None of the parents can not be insured against the risk of genetic disease in a child, but in the meantime do not panic. If you have any reason to assume that your baby may be born with disabilities, then go through screening before conception or directly in the first weeks of pregnancy. Perhaps doctors will offer you a treatment that will help your baby be born healthy.

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