Rarely some women are not afraid of the coming generations. Afraid of all: the pain, complications, the child who may be born in some not so, etc. Especially because there are plenty of myths and stereotypes about childbirth. Is there a psychological methods to forget about these fears?
In many respects, these expectations are inspired by mythology, though deliveries must occur in agony. But interestingly, the Old Testament text in its time was incorrectly translated from Hebrew. According to modern scholars, it does not speak of the pain, but about the works. And the famous phrase should sound in another way: "To give birth will be in the works" (and not in pain, as it was translated earlier). Secondly, this mythology is supported and reinforced by men, for example, film in which if there is a scene of childbirth, then it is necessarily accompanied by a heart-rending cries of patients, which show a distorted face close up.
Although in reality these grimaces on his face not so much from pain as from a lot of effort and stress that accompany childbirth. It is - hell no flour, and the heavy, hard work, as it was a warning in the Old Testament. And if a woman goes into labor after a special psychological training, it feels much calmer and more confident: she knows what was happening to her and how should conduct themselves so as not to harm the child, she works for him. These women know how to breathe correctly, what posture to take to alleviate the condition. They seem to reserve the right to behave in childbirth as most would like maternity and baby being born, which is hard, too.
It has been repeatedly stated at a medical conference that chtokesarevo section applies lately more often than before. It is considered by many to be safe. Unfortunately, this is a routine practice. When the hand and the sight of surgical instruments, is the psychological readiness to apply all this to minimize their efforts. Today, added another factor - economics: financial interest. Almost all women giving birth are invited epidural anesthesia is certainly not free.
Even young, nineteen, nulliparous women who are not thinking about consequences, it is easy to agree on this. A so-called domino effect: as after medical intervention weakens labor, followed by its stimulation, episiotomy (cutting the perineum) that facilitates the passage of the child through the birth canal, and ends it with antibiotics. Thus, the child from the first hours and days with mother's milk are treated with antibiotics, which violates his gut microflora. And then the doctors wonder how the majority of children dysbiosis.
And yet, if there are some psychological tricks that make it easier childbirth?
But nothing special and is not required. Need a quiet, ideally - home furnishings, people close to that side. After all, even gentle stroking of the arm has a sedative effect. A gentle massage of the sacrum, a relaxing shower will reduce the pain of contractions. With home delivery must involve an obstetrician-gynecologist, but he only intervenes in some extreme cases. A woman can give birth to yourself. The main thing that no one interfered with her, and she was prepared.
In order to maximize a woman could give birth naturally, that it were so-called soft delivery, antenatal preparation is needed. And it is not dry formal lecture-type literacy classes, and versatile program for the Childbirth: exercises on proper breathing and behavior during childbirth, stretching muscles, swimming pool, classes where expectant mothers and fathers learn the basics of the parent art that is not out of ignorance " commit follies "and does not injure the child's earliest, most crucial period of his life when a foundation of personality a little man.
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