Preeclampsia - a dangerous disease that occurs in many pregnant women, most often early in the third trimester. In people the disease is called "late toxicosis.Preeclampsia occurs during the adjustment of the organism, and therefore very dangerous, both for the mother and baby.
Simptopy preeclampsia
In the placenta there are substances that can damage blood vessels, eventually, on the walls of blood vessels there is a set of microscopic holes in which the blood seeps into the tissue fluid and plasma protein, as a result there are severe swelling, which is the first major symptom of preeclampsia. At first, the swelling is almost not felt, but after a while a pregnant woman can not wear regular shoes because of swelling of the feet and toes with barely bend at the doctor's weighing it turns out that women have more weight gain for the same diet .
If you let the disease take its course, the vessels of the kidneys also appear mikrodyrochki and through them, the protein gets into the urine. Every day a pregnant woman loses more and more valuable protein, which can be seen in the urine with the naked eye, but it brings serious harm to health of future mothers. Protein in urine - is the second major symptom of preeclampsia.
When the fluid leaves the damaged vessels, the body is forced to raise blood pressure in order to distribute the excess fluid around the body. As a result, the third symptom of this dangerous disease - high blood pressure.
It is very important to recognize the earliest symptoms of preeclampsia and to see a doctor, who will take the necessary tests and prescribe treatment. Preeclampsia is not only a dangerous disease, but also very treacherous, as it is a long time makes itself felt. The woman, overweight, thinks this is normal and not surprised that eats little, and the weight continues to rise.
After the three main symptoms of preeclampsia appear other symptoms: headaches, severe swelling, and swollen, not only limbs but also the placenta, and it is very dangerous for the fetus, as swelling may lead to a shortage of oxygen.
Preeclampsia can lead to death, and may die and the baby and mother.
The most dangerous symptoms of preeclampsia are: "The Flies" before the eyes, severe headaches, cramps, aching pain in the stomach, lethargy and drowsiness.These states are called pre-eclampsia, and then the woman begins a convulsive condition called eclampsia, the result may be diseases such as pulmonary edema, stroke, retinal detachment, or placenta, heart, liver or kidney failure.
Prevention and treatment of preeclampsia
To the pregnant woman did not raise this disease, doctors prefer to take preventative measures: regular weigh future mother, to take a urine test for protein measure blood pressure. All these measures will help to identify preeclampsia at an early date.
At risk include:
- Women over 35 years;
- Pregnant, expecting first child or twins;
- Women with chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, obesity, pyelonephritis, etc.), as well as those pregnant women who have genital infection.
If you have a preeclampsia, your doctor may prescribe a course of ozone therapy, herbal teas are diuretics or kidney to remove the swelling.
Proper nutrition during preeclampsia
If the urine showed a protein, it is recommended to introduce into your diet more protein foods: chicken, milk and milk products.
Limit consumption of spicy, salty and fatty foods, which can become an additional burden on the kidneys, lead an active lifestyle, walk to fitness for pregnant women hiking outdoors.
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