Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Diet For Active People

    If you are a very active person and can not imagine a day without fitness, bike or a long walk on a green park, do not forget to think about proper diet. Diet for active people will provide you with essential nutrients and healthy energy.
General rules
Diet active people should be adapted to their lifestyle. Such a person needs more energy, nutrients, water, electrolytes and minerals. For example, long trips by bicycle increased energy demand up to 5000 calories. You should eat foods that contain plenty of carbohydrates to restore lost energy. Under extreme physical exertion, such as high sport results (eg, skiing), the alignment of the energy balance can be achieved only in a few days or weeks!

At high emission energy is very important to provide your body enough nutrients. For example, carbohydrates provide the body with 55-60 percent of energy. Their consumption affects the amount of glycogen, which accumulates in the body, and during exercise breaks down into glucose. Speed and quantity of production of glucose, in turn, affects the body's ability to make the effort. Carbohydrates should be provided in the form of complex or simple carbohydrates - so it is best to eat fruits and honey. In turn, it is important to ensure the fat, which is about 20-25 percent of energy. The maximum content of which is too often violated, is 30 percent. Energy from this source is not as available as the energy from carbohydrates. Fatty foods slow down the digestive tract. This may cause the conservation of food in the stomach, which is very unfavorable during training, walking and cycling tours or competitions.

As for the protein - a necessary amount of this component during a workout at the gym, for example, can grow up to 1.5 g / kg body weight, and in some sports, even up to 2,5 g / kg body weight. It is believed that whites should be about 15 percent of the diet. Large amounts of protein in the diet can increase muscle mass despite activities requiring high endurance. Young, active people whose body grows and develops, need protein for growth. Ideal proposal are yogurt, which combines an excellent source of protein and calcium with the necessary amount of energy, easily-digestible sugars contained in natural honey.

About Vitamins
Vitamins play an important role in the nutrition an active person. Particularly important are vitamins necessary for proper metabolism of carbohydrates. In addition, they play an important role in the athletic skills, because that affects the functioning of the nervous system. Active people also need more antioxidant vitamins (beta-carotene, vitamins C and E) that protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, as well as it enhances iron absorption of gastro-intestinal tract. Sources of vitamin C and beta-carotene in the diet should be fruits and vegetables, and vitamin E - sunflower oil and fish oil. But eslidieta for active people unable to fully meet your needs, you need to fill in the blanks with vitamin-mineral preparations.

More water
Physical activity includes a large loss of water and minerals. Intensive activity athlete can lose a few liters of water per day. Need to replenish these losses during the day.Therefore it is recommended to drink 3-4 liters of water per day, including two glasses with each meal, the best fruit and vegetable juices and non-carbonated mineral water. Between meals is also desirable to compensate for the loss of water, depending on load. Thus, it should take to the gym a bottle of mineral water.

On the snack
When planning a diet for active people, do not forget also about healthy, nutritious snack. Many active people simply do not have time to cook healthy meals. Often on the way home from the gym or swimming pool, for example, feel an unbearable hunger and end up eating too much and do not necessarily healthy food. In such situations, may well help out yogurt or yogurt, he can become healthy and nutritious snack.

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