Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Heel Spur: Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention

    Heel spurs in medicine is called bone growths, which resemble a wedge or spike. It arises for many reasons, interferes with normal life, so it should be treated. In this article you will learn about how to treat heel spurs, and what preventive measures to take.

    The presence of heel spurs can be found immediately. When walking, you can feel at first a little, but at the end of the day burning sharp pain in the heel area.
This causes a burning pain bony growths pressing on the swollen soft tissue. The size of the build-up of pain does not affect in any way. The build-up can be flat, but very painful, and can be large, but practically painless.

    Heel spurs in most cases, formed by people who have flat feet. At this time the load on the different structures of the foot is unevenly distributed, begins perenatyazhenie tendons. In severe cases, the individual fibers of tendons torn from the bones at all.As a result, the entire surface layer of bone tissue is inflamed, as well as tendon.

    Heel spurs can also result from a breach of metabolic processes in the body. In people with impaired circulation in the legs, too, is the probability of occurrence of heel spurs.
Spur can be also a consequence of certain chronic inflammatory joint diseases such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis.

    In any case, heel spurs calls for persistent and long-term treatment. Self, in this case, do not be, in any case. As soon as you suspect that you have a spur, immediately consult a podiatrist or surgeon.
Determine the presence of heel spurs is pretty easy. The doctor may test the finger stop, and then listen to the patient's complaints to the characteristic pain. In order to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor sends the patient to X-ray.

    Heel spurs are treated by conservative methods, much depends on the reason why there was disease. First of all, treatment is directed at eliminating inflammation in his foot. By itself, get rid of heel spurs do not need. Treatment of heel spurs should be comprehensive, it includes:
- Magnetic therapy, physiotherapy, ultrasound;
- Massage;
- Gymnastics.

    In addition, the doctor prescribes a patient wearing orthotic insoles to help relieve the inflamed area.
If the pain continues, the doctor resorted to shock wave therapy. But such a procedure can not do everything, it is contraindicated in people with cancer, and various bleeding disorders. Pregnant women are the shock-wave therapy is also contraindicated.

    In extreme cases, the doctor resorted to surgery, but this is rare, since the operation in this case - a thankless task, because it eliminates only a consequence of disease rather than its cause.
To heel spur does not appear, you need measures:
• First, you need to keep active and avoid congestion on the foot.
• Timely treat the disease of spine and joints.
• Wear comfortable shoes are not close to a small stable heel.

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