Thursday, November 11, 2010

What Are The Benefits Of Grapes?

    The first mention of grapes appeared before our era, during the worship of the gods, when people offer sacrifices to obtain a rich harvest. Even ancient people were able to unravel the secret of the healing properties of grapes. These berries are always adorn the tables, and its beneficial properties to help fight many diseases.
    In today's world grapes - this berry, which is known to every one of us, but, unfortunately, about the healing properties, we can not guess.
So, let's look at the cases in which the grapes will be useful for the organism, and in what can only cause harm.
1. In diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia, and grapes helps in cleansing the respiratory tract mucosa.
2. Due to the fact that grapes contain huge amounts of vitamins, they are recommended for people with physical and nervous exhaustion, and during the spring of beriberi.

3. People with impaired blood pressure grapes are a must, as it normalizes blood pressure.
4. Grape juice helps in removing toxins from the body, thereby contributing to proper metabolism.
5. For people suffering from kidney disease, urolithiasis, and even constipation, grapes are very useful and recommended for treatment.
6. In addition, grape juice maintains skin in good condition, preventing the appearance of first wrinkles.

    As you can see, the grapes have many useful properties, but we should remember that the berries are contraindicated for people with diabetes and those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the treatment of grapes, it is desirable to eliminate from your diet foods high in fat.
When selecting grapes worth paying attention to its color, as darker berries contain more nutrients than light. Before starting treatments to see a doctor who will advise you the correct dosage and timing of necessary treatment. Grapes can be eaten as fresh or as juice, stewed fruit, jam and preserves.

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