Thursday, November 11, 2010

Not Sure Where To Start Your Day? - With A Glass Of Water!

    One of the secrets of good health is a habit of drinking a Yogi after waking up a glass of water. This is a very simple action activates the gastrointestinal tract, restores water balance in the body rids the body of toxins, improves skin appearance and, finally, uplifting.
    In order to receive water in the morning brought only joy, you must abide by three simple rules.
First, the water intake means reception is water and not any other liquid. Juice, tea, coffee, fruit drinks, herbal teas are not suitable. To speed up the processes of recovery, oxygen delivery to cells and transport nutrients needed clean water. It is best to acquire the natural non-carbonated water with a minimum level of mineralization, ie below 0.3 g / dm 3, and even better - 0,05 g / dm 3.

    At night, the metabolic processes in the body continues, the stock of liquid consumed and not replenished naturally. Therefore, in the morning on an empty stomach to fill this supply. And if you have breakfast within half an hour, food digestion is much better.

    Horizontal position in which we sleep, contributes to the accumulation of slag and the water helps to direct them to a natural outlet. However, it should be noted that the cold water to cope with this problem too harsh, irritating the digestive system. Therefore, water must be heated to a temperature of 30-40 degrees, so it could soak up the capillaries almost immediately, eliminating the toxins, updating the intercellular fluid, and gently waking the gastrointestinal tract.

    Will be useful to also add Morning cup water juice of half a lemon. He is able to improve the removal of surplus from the body and improve drainage. Especially the lemon juice with a glass of water recommended by fans of good food.
Glass of water with a coffee spoon of rose water cleanses the body and calms the nervous and irritable people. Drink more water and stay healthy. Good luck to you!

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