Thursday, November 11, 2010

Comfortable Shoes - Healthy Feet

    It is now becoming fashionable to go in a stylish high-heel shoes. And this concerns not only women but also to some extent, men. Nevertheless, from time to time, people over the age of 30 years, which are similar footwear, are beginning to complain of pain in his legs, which causes uncomfortable and uncomfortable shoes.
    Therefore, to prevent such excesses, it is necessary to choose and wear shoes. The most "unhealthy" footwear is footwear with high heels. The fact that the lifting of Foot at a height greater than 5.5 cm, and change the center of gravity, which is fraught with disease osteochondrosis, as well as the possible displacement of the pelvic bones and spine. If the heel still uncertain on the earth, then all of the above, you can add leg swelling and the formation of corns. And walking in shoes with high heels in the winter, may cause dislocation of the ankle.

    Of course, it's hard to resist the temptation to put on a beautiful and stilnuyuobuv high heels. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that such footwear is not recommended to wear more than 2-3 hours a day and not more than 2 - times a week.

    But what if completely abandon shoes with high heels and nachatnosit shoes flat shoes? In this case, the health of these shoes, also did not add, because the leg is trapped in shoes with flat soles, ceases to act as springs, stopping spring. This means that the heel with each step will be to get a small bruise. If, however, be "flat" shoes for a long time, you can purchase flat. Although, if the bottom of a shoe pre-set special insoles, arch supports, then such harmful problems can be avoided.

    If you start wearing shoes on the platform, then you should know that this shoe is suitable only for short distances in the urban cycle, or when we need it for a long time to stand on the frozen ground. If you planned a long walk, the shoe of this kind should be abandoned.

    The fact is that, ideally, in the process of walking, the foot should like - would roll from heel to toe. But, shoes on the platform greatly smooths out the movement. Therefore, may suffer and internal organs, and the very foot-circulation occurs at an insufficient level, muscles, too, almost relaxed, which can cause arthritis.
Those who already foot the patients can be recommended to wear athletic shoes, called sneakers. Trainers are able to make walking easy while locking the foot.However, and here without the disadvantages of not happened. Trainers can pick up walking almost the entire load, which makes leg muscles flaccid and weak, which in turn can cause a flat.

    Considered the most comfortable shoes with a heel no higher than 4 cm and have good stability on the ground. And eating these shoes is also free of socks, which you can easily wiggle your toes, instep and a flexible sole, then these shoes will be just perfect. And according to this, shoes with small heel should have all of those who, just a little respect and value their health.

    How do you determine whether the shoes fit your feet or not? If, within a day of wearing such shoes, the feet do not hurt quite, so these shoes suitable for wearing.Meanwhile, we must know that abruptly shift from one type of shoe to another, it is impossible. According to orthopedic surgeon, is akin to the leg injuries of moderate severity.

    Well, what to do if the legs are already tired of uncomfortable shoes? It can help ordinary carbonated mineral water. Feet should be put into a bowl and start watering them out of the bottle from the top - down from knees to ankles. Feet in the water should be kept up until the water is completely wasted gas bubbles.

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