Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kitchen Cures (Part 5)

CHAMOMILE – aids sleep
What it’s good for: Sedative and calming, it induces sleep.
Why it works: One of nine sacred herbs in Anglo-Saxon times, chamomile flowers contain flavonoids (a type of antioxidant) that have hypnotic effects. In one trial, chamomile extracts were used to induce a deep sleep in heart patients.
Where to get it: Grow your own or buy fresh and make chamomile tea by infusing 3g flower heads in 150ml of water. The teabags cost about £1 for 20 bags. Tke daily as required, or before bed for a good night’s sleep.

ELDERBERRIES – stave off colds and flu
What it’s good for: Treating colds and flu.
Why it works: Elderberry juice has powerful anti-viral substances, which have been proved to reduce the severity and duraion of colds and flu infections. It is so powerful, it will fight even the most virulent strains.
Where to get it: Buy or make jam or wine. Buy elderberry extracts from health shops, £8, 120ml.

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