Friday, October 15, 2010

Assessment By Photography

    Photographs arc taken of every candidate for cosmetic oculoplastic surgery. Preoperative photographs have several advantages:

1. They provide a visual record for preoperative assessment of the patient's cosmetic problems.

2. New aspects of the patient's problems that were not appreciated at the initial examination become apparent on photographs.

3. They give the surgeon an opportunity to demonstrate to the patient the improvement in appearance postoperatively. It is amazing how easily patients forget how they appeared prcoperatively when they are examined several months after surgery. Seeing their preoperative photographs gives them a renewed appreciation of their operation, which is beneficial to both the patient and surgeon.

    Usually, I take photographs of both eyes and eyelids in primary and in up and down positions of gaze, as well as the left and right side oblique view. I also take full-face photographs in primary, left and right side oblique views. Photographs are taken preoperatively and 2—4 months postoperatively.

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