Saturday, October 23, 2010

Berries For Dinner! (who knew?)

Plump, juicy berries for dessert in the summer that's a no-brainer. But there's a good reason to add berries to every meal. "Women should get a minimum of four servings of fruit a day, and half of those should come from berries," recommends Paula Bick-ford, M D., a researcher at University of South Florida's Center for Aging and Brain Repair All types of berries—blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, even cranberries contain more antioxidant power per serving than many of their produce peers. Research has shown that berries not only fight cancer, heart disease, and aging, but also sharpen memory and improve brain functioning. Here are just a few of the many effortless ways you can pack summer's healthiest, most mouthwatering offerings into main dishes, salads, drinks everything! Now, how sweet is that?

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