Thursday, November 25, 2010

8 Rules Impeccable Posture

Notions of female beauty change over time, but the general requirements for how a woman should stay and how it should go, remain inviolable. Beautiful, confident woman looks, posture and gait is flawless. Self-mastery, and as fast as they should in any situation prevents women from birth.
 However, this must and can learn. And above all, to remember and to adopt rules for perfect posture.

1. Keep your back
Straight back should be straight and when you sit, and when you go. Straight back - a sign of emotional balance, bent - a sign of prostration. In order to feel in any situation must be constantly spin, enough for about five minutes to stand up, pressed against the wall, buttocks, shoulders and neck. Remember this position, try to keep him from walking.

2. Chest out
Do not be ashamed of its own bust. No matter what size it was, it must be shown. Shrugged, you will no longer be able to look like a gray mouse. You have to walk, proudly raising his head.

3. Do not bend
A woman who constantly bent at the waist looks like an old woman. Sometimes this is in addition to the desire of the woman. This stems from a sedentary lifestyle. Only one solution - find an opportunity to break away from work to do gymnastics. And another thing: pick up a desk chair to the body it was in the maximum erect state.

4. Achieve a flying gait
Bulky, heavy gait of a negative impact not only on the appearance of a woman, but her joints and internal organs. To wean yourself waddle like a duck, from foot to foot, try to put your feet on one line. Such a walking "on a thread," emphasizes the heave and roll of the hips and make any woman irresistible.

5. Do not forget about the shoulders
At one time the king's officers in order to achieve a perfect bearing, placed on the epaulettes of filled glasses and walked, trying not to spill any water. And there is more than a simple exercise, but no less effective - walk around the house with a book on his head. So you learn how to keep the shoulders and make the head of the majestic land. And incidentally: to strengthen the neck muscles and get rid of double chin.

6. Not the seed by walking
Step elegant and confident women should be broad, but not a man. but with the sock. Open the feeding forward corps, carry the load from the heel to the part of the foot, which is closer to the toe. This can help to assist high (but only in moderation) heels.

7. All of a
Abdomen motion to retract, buttocks - to tighten. All this is achievable, it would be a desire to control yourself and do not dissolve, even when no one is around. And no one else is important to remember: to absorb the stomach is much easier than on a crowded stomach. Moderation in eating a whole contributes to a beautiful posture and easy gait.

8. Do not be shy
Sometimes the reason is to stoop to the psychological unpreparedness women to "show himself to people." Of course, vzhav his shoulders and hunched over, it's easier not to attract attention when something is wrong with the clothing or hairstyle. But we can proceed in another way. If the walk light and rapid step, keep your head confidently and express views easy call, nobody even pay attention to the fact that you have an old-fashioned bag or pantyhose there was a shooter. In truth all these are trifles.

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