Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How To Choose Clothes For A Business In The Evening?

In every office, every business is sometimes conducted corporate parties, events, presentations, cocktail parties, you can not miss. And everywhere there are rules about clothing for such events. However, every party there is a lady in a dress with a neckline, or the girl in jeans and a sweater.

It is difficult to argue against the fact that the street is very cold, but still worth listening to certain rules when choosing clothes for a business in the evening. Of course, some argue that today do not follow the rules so strictly. But the fact is that these rules - rather simple advice for those who come into a new team and still not quite sure what to wear to fit the occasion and did not look "black sheep".

First, let's say that corporate events as well as the usual office routine requires that your form to testify about your professionalism. Therefore you should not wear that unnecessarily stresses your sex appeal. Such items include clothes: superkorotkie tight skirts with slits, transparent fabric, giving the opportunity to see your underwear, footwear with open toes, too long hanging earrings, too tight clothing.
You can not focus on sex appeal, and the feminine. Very good it will look classic cocktail dress and a suit of festive fabric.

Cocktail dress, just in case you do not know - it's a short cocktail dress with no sleeves and collar. In the cold season, it is desirable to give preference to dark shades of fabrics, such as black lace, satin fabric. In the summer suit light or a bright silk dress. To keep warm you can add elegant dress coat - red, black or dark gray. Or use tippets or cloak of fine wool. Despite the fact that fashion magazines do not consider tippets very fashionable wardrobe piece, they are very practical.

Elegant suits can be a jacket and trousers, tunic and trousers, jacket and skirt. Under the jacket you can wear a silk blouse. Jackets can be worn without a blouse, if you can cut. Prefer bright colors of spring clothing.
Do not forget about accessories. Is considered a classic decoration neck, hands and ears. But do not overdo it. Do not wear ready-made kits from the same alloys and stones - it's the last century. Create an original combination for yourself. Ideal for a business party suit sea pearls. If you do not occupy leadership positions in the company, you can wear diamonds. Vintage jewelry is always appropriate, but on the colored stones should be abandoned. This is not business-like.

Remember the perfidy of black. Next to it will play fine jewelry, but they can tread a black eye and other signs of fatigue. Therefore, always wearing a black suit or dress, look for quality makeup.
If the business party you have to install a more intimate relationship with customers or partners, do not use excessively bright ornaments - this will prevent confidential conversation. If you are invited to the party as a guest or for the company with her husband, then you can relax a little and allow yourself more freedom in evening dress.
Have a nice evening!

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