Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nail Care: Secrets Of A Good Manicure

Nails reveal the true self of man and indicate his attitude toward himself. For people who value self-conscious about themselves and their appearance, the surrounding are respectful, not even realizing what caused such a reaction.

Nail care, although time-consuming, but great pleasure in achieving their immaculate shape and luster, adorning your tender fingers.

1. For a start it is very important to choose the right blade. If you have strong fingernails, then you can safely use the tool of sand or sapphire. If you can not boast of such nails, prefer fine-grained semi-circular blade with a buffer zone, which abrade the nail and will retain its structure.
Immediately discard the iron tools - it's yesterday. Basis for nail files should be rubber or cardboard.

2. Rasp is only dry nails, wet can begin to flake. Own motion should be carried out in one direction. The form will depend on the nail and the shape of the fingers. Square nails are adorned only long and thin fingers. In other cases fit the classic oval shape.

3. High gloss nail get through polisher, which has four working surfaces with applied figures indicating the sequence of polishing.

4. The next step - removing the cuticle, ideally - cuticles pushed way. For this purpose, the inner lining put a special fluid that gently loosen the skin around the nail and will prevent its further growth. Then stick with "hoof" of soft rubber gently slide the skin around the nail back.

5. Deburring be good to steam hands in a warm bath with a teaspoon of glycerine, or a pinch of salt, then wipe them dry with a clean towel. Special tongs to remove the burrs, which have triangular ends, gently, "Skousen" burr, positioning tweezers almost perpendicular to the skin. Do not forget to disinfect the tweezers before the procedure in an alcohol solution. Minor cuts and wounds and treat any disinfectant.

6. Lac chosen taking into account skin color and shape nails. Women's summer or winter suit all types of paints with a blue note. When yellowish skin nice warm tone - the classic red or pink. Without a doubt, the long almond-shaped nails adorn any intense shades, dark, noble-matte color.
Nails, whose surface has grooves or bumps, do not cover the pearlescent varnish, as the defects become more pronounced. Visually lengthen short nails is possible using light and pearlescent varnish applied so that the edges of the nail remained unpainted. One of the fundamental secrets of successful application of lacquer - a handy brush, but it is usually applied only to the paints with a high cost.

7. The last stage - the application of hand cream for long periods. Do not forget the foundation. All our efforts and concerns for the care of hands and nails may be lost in vain, if we use poor-quality cosmetics for nails. First of all, the liquid remover, varnish must not contain acetone. Yes, and varnish should be preferred to one that does not contain this substance. But even in this case it is necessary to use protective means - the foundation under the lacquer. Especially if you have chosen a color as black, green and blue: colors can give pigmentation. But the foundation not only protects the nails from chemical exposure, it also strengthens the nail plate. And varnish in this case longer holds and retains its form better. And if the nails zasloilis, it can be used only to prevent the foundation, putting in some time lacquer.

How to apply varnish?
First, use lacquer-base: thanks to him, the main color will be more deeply and evenly. It must dry for several minutes. Then placing the selected paint color. Shake the vial, dip a brush into it, and wiped it on the edge, get rid of excess paint, and along with the effect of the bubble on the surface of the nail.

Method of application of varnish is simple but nice effect is observed only in strict compliance with the sequence of work: first, relating to the middle of the nail brush and only then gently pushing it to the edge - without lifting the brush from the nail, leading her up to the tip with light pressure, the remaining varnish carefully paint over the sides of the nail, in the same way and applied a second coat.
For faster drying nails can hold it under running cold water. Surplus lacquer cuticle remove ordinary cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.

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