Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Vitamins For Hair

A healthy body can not be without vitamins. No exception, and your hair. On them in the first affected by the lack of vitamins. A new-fangled shampoos will not help if the problem lies within. For example, Vitamin H or Biotin prevents hair loss and the gray hairs. If it is not enough in your body, your hair faster and in greater numbers leave your head.

Vitamin B1, PP, and B12 to help your hair grow faster and look more healthy. If you feel that your hair is something wrong: they began to fall out, faded, became lifeless, take care of vitamins for hair.

I must say that a complex of vitamins necessarily must contain the group B, vitamin A, E and C. They are responsible for the condition of your skin and the strength of your nails, so more and more pharmacies are new drugs designed specifically for hair, nails and skin .

Essential vitamins for hair:
• Thiamin (B1) protects your body from stress, which in particular is an effect on hair. This is their first enemy.
• Riboflavin (B2) maintains a healthy shine. Its deficiency causes depression, hair is greasy at the roots and dry at the tips, and facial skin starts to peel off, just the famous shampoo that does not fix. Do you need vitamin B2.

• Niacin (B3) forms in your hair pigments, namely it prevents early hair gray hair, but also contributes to their normal growth. Importance of this vitamin for skin, because involved in blood circulation.
• Pantothenic acid (B5) is the unique substance that can actually help the "outside", as well absorbed through the skin. He is responsible for restoring the body's tissues.
• Pyridoxine (B6) is an antidepressant, your hair it helps to get rid of dandruff.
• Inositol (B8) works in tandem with vitamin E and prevents the loss of your hair.
• Foliatsin (B9) It is also called vitamin Bc, vitamin M, and folic acid. Responsible for the healthy growth of your hair. Together with vitamin B5 slows down the process of education sedeny.
• cobalamin (B12) also helps prevent dandruff on the scalp and makes hair stronger and nelomkimi. The same effect it has and for your nails. Together with vitamin B9 is involved in the production of new cells, skin and hair.
Other important minerals for the hair:
• Vitamin C is actively fighting hair loss. The fact that he was involved in the microcirculation. If a vitamin is not enough, and your hair is not delivered the required number of elements, from which they suffer. Hair follicles vitamin C prevents from destruction.
• Vitamin A affects the thickness and hair growth. They are flexible and elastic, if the organism is enough vitamin A. If it is not enough, then the scalp is scaly.
• Vitamin E is responsible for feeding the hair, especially long ones. It also eliminates seborrhea. Vitamin E carries oxygen in blood, with his lack of hair fall out.
• Vitamin F supports normal healthy balance of fat and water hair and scalp. The optimum effect is achieved when it works in conjunction with vitamin E.

For beautiful hair are important and the following minerals: calcium, selenium, copper, magnesium, chromium, iron, silicon, iodine, potassium and manganese. Importantly, the right to take vitamins and minerals. For example, calcium should be taken before bedtime to the day that the liquid you drink, it is not washed from the body.

You probably already have seen that health should be properly balanced diet. For your hair needs all the elements and vitamins that are required and you. Therefore, caring about your hair, you take care of your body as a whole.

And finally, an amazing recipe for strengthening and growth of hair:
Ingredients: burdock oil - 2 tsp; castor oil - 2 tsp, 1 vial of vitamin B6, 1 vial of vitamin A; lemon juice - 2 tsp; Dimexidum solution (to enhance absorption of all components).
Mix all the ingredients and rub them first in the hair roots. You must use the entire mixture, so rub the remnants of the mask over the entire length. Head wrap towel, warmed on the radiator or proglazhennym iron, keep the mask on his head for 2 hours. If you manage to sleep, you can leave at night. Wash off the mask to shampoo.
The procedure is repeated at intervals through the day. The course is 3 weeks.
The effect will amaze you. Be well.

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