Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Causes Tics?

Too many are faced with the so-called nervous ticks, when for no apparent reason starts to twitch, such as eyelid. What causes tics? Tiki always associated with some disorders of the nervous system, with its defects.
These defects may be congenital or acquired. Inborn errors can be caused genetically, but may occur as a result of negative factors during pregnancy and childbirth.

Brain all these violations are well compensated in its further development and, as a rule, all this disappears quickly and is normalized without any consequences. But any defects can occur at a later age, say after 40 years as a result of the fact that the weakened protective, adaptive capacity, which compensate for these violations.Therefore, the appearance of tics in adults may be simply a manifestation of the weakening of the nervous system associated with congestion, infection, intoxication.

The children speak of neurotic tick can only conditionally. Although they are of neuroses, but all the same in children as reasons for the ticks need to talk primarily about organic pathology. Tics in children from an early age may be at the so-called minimal brain dysfunction. But only along with other manifestations of the inferiority of the nervous system. This hyperactive children. They can not concentrate on anything long, actively moving, do not feel the danger, though there are with this pathology, in contrast, gipoaktivnye children. These conditions require treatment. But if you have any tics or hyperkinesis in the child suddenly, to look for infection or some other organic pathology: inflammatory, vascular changes (aneurysm), the effects of trauma.

Acquired defects tend to be associated with the effects of trauma, vascular disease and other illnesses. Known, such as chorea. This is one of the manifestations of rheumatic fever: an impression that the person dancing gait. But this is not the ticks, and the maximum version of hyperkinesis, captures all the muscles of the body.

Tiki same - it's an easy option rougher disorder (hyperkinesis, exciting only the face and upper body). Tiki can be a symptom of a number of occupational diseases.These include, for example, include spastic torticollis. This disease affects those whose work requires keeping the neck in a rotated position, such as a crane. Or a so-called chirospasm. It arises from typists, those working on the computer, the musicians who work with the hand: cellists, violinists, pianists. In this case, when they take the instrument of their work, there is a spastic wrist strain, and the movement becomes impossible. But even in these cases, hyperkinesis arise only from those people who are so inclined. For example, among received a traumatic brain injury in only 10.7 ticks will develop, even in 10 - epilepsy and so on. It is easy to assume that each of these patients had their own hidden defects in the brain, which implemented a trauma.

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