Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Comb Your Hair?

We do it every day and not one time. But whether you brush your hair? What is your hairbrush? Hair is very durable natural material and one of hairs can withstand a weight of up to 100 grams, but the hair is very easy to damage.

The first threat to the hair - it's sharp teeth of poor quality combs. They do not comb your hair so much as scratch the scalp in which they live and produce new hair follicles. For them, the injury would be fatal. After each such follicle of his life gives only 6.12 new hairs.

Another threat from the comb - it zabivshiysya between her teeth the old sebum, particles of paint, gel and mud. Head of each of us washes regularly, but wash the comb we often forget. But it at least needs to be cleaned every time you washed your hair.

The second threat - is yourself, when in a hurry tear tangled ends, or are trying to comb wet hair. Hairstyles easier to build from wet hair, so many of us try to comb and give them a form before they have time to dry after washing. It would be better to wait until hair is completely dry, then comb them toothed comb, and only then moistened and put into the desired hairstyle.

Connection between the microscopic particles of wet hair less durable, so wet hair can be done in exactly three times as long. However, such mechanical stretching it becomes several times weaker and easily broken.
The third threat - the wrong technology scratching. Everyone has a favorite hairbrush, but the problem is the volume that favorite comb should be at least two! The first - a comb with a few teeth for combing and untangling of the primary nodules. Second-massage brush that will massage the scalp and hair polish. For these purposes, best brush with natural bristles. When you brush your hair such a tool, then make sure that the movements were smooth from the start of hair growth to the tip. This is necessary in order to evenly distribute the sebum around the hair surface. It is sebum moisturizes and nourishes hair, giving it a healthy shine. By the way, do this procedure is best in 8-12 hours after washing. That's how much time it takes the sebaceous glands in our heads, to restore the lipid balance of the skin.

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