Thursday, December 9, 2010

Plastic Surgery: A It Worth It?

In the world, perhaps, not find a single woman who is one hundred percent satisfied with their appearance. At any age, a lady of any race, complexion, and with any color of hair found in his appearance a lot of shortcomings, and even merits prevail, yet it is shortcomings are evident every time she turns the mirror.

And men are not lagging behind the fairer sex in the desire to be beautiful. And if in the olden days, people took their shape is not ideal as this, now that we know that any error in Mother Nature can fix a plastic surgeon, each at least once in their lives think about plastic surgery. And unfortunately, despite the wide publicity, which has recently been given to the problem associated with the effects of plastic surgery, number of people willing to make some sort plastics is growing day by day.

But before you go on such a risky step to seriously consider: "But it worth it?" After all, almost every surgical procedure has the certain consequences, and sometimes even lead to disability and that the worst thing to death. And, perhaps, there is nothing sillier than to lose health or say goodbye to life in the fight for dubious beauty ideals imposed on us in fashion. And even if the operation was successful, no complications, and came to light, another beauty, this does not necessarily lead you to the summit of happiness and will bring long-awaited meeting with his partner in life. That's just they do not think that every man dreams of finding his one and only, it is "unique", but how do you make a choice, if everything is the same ideal. As if it did not sound old, but a woman should be "salt", where everyone has their own.

In this race for the size of their breasts, lips and pomp elastic buttocks, the girls do not realize how resemble the beautiful, and sometimes not, dolls, though descended from a single pipeline. They lose their individuality, their self, just merge with the faceless crowd busty blonde hudyshek that whole "army" marching across the expanses of our vast country.

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