Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cleaning The Skin In The Beauty Salon

You might be surprised, but nowadays you can still meet people who have a terrible habit of squeezing pimples. If you decide to get rid of the hated skin rash, you should refer to the beautician. First of all be aware that this person should be medically trained. So remember that you have every right to ask your beautician to have the appropriate diplomas and certificates.

When you come to the beautician, you was packed on a comfortable couch. Then, beauticians, dressed in a white gown, gloves and maybe even a medical mask will study your skin through a magnifying glass.
After examining your skin, beauty cleanse it of cosmetics and various contaminants and protret degreaser for disinfection. In addition, the doctor will cause some means in order to reveal the pores.

Preparing your skin begins to peel master entity, that is cleaning the epidermis of dead cells. The interior can hold various types of peeling, so everything will depend on your skin type.
Mechanical peeling is carried out through a variety of brushes that massage, cleanse and tone the skin. In mechanical peels are also used scrubs, which include natural abrasives such as crushed stone peach, grape, apricot, fruit acids and the like.

Chemical peeling is done by means of containing glycolic acid. When conducting a chemical peel might feel light tingling of the skin.

Only after all of the above procedures beautician can proceed with the disposal of hypodermic toxins.
A doctor may use a mechanical cleaning method, also called brashingom or brossazhem. The procedure is done using special brushes or spoons. The procedure is especially suited for advanced cases. Sensations from brashinga rather unpleasant.

Vacuum cleaning. The procedure resembles the work of the vacuum cleaner. The device has a negative pressure, and helps clean pores, improve blood circulation. Passes without skin irritation. Completely painless.
Galvanotherapy or dezinkrustatsiya especially good for dry or sensitive skin of the client. It reveals the narrow pores and prepares them for cleaning. Impact of electric current and the special solution applied to the skin, cleanse the skin from kamedonov.

Ultrasonic cleaning works painlessly and cleanses the skin of sebum, dirt, subcutaneous toxins. Can be used as a supplement to other methods of cleaning, or independently.
Manual cleaning is quite painful. In carrying out this option, the doctor runs his own cleaning fingers wrapped in sterile gauze. If the pores are not amenable, he can use medical needle.

Finally, after cleaning the skin from acne needs to be calm, and close the pores. To this end, we can use cosmetic masochkami or variety of hardware cosmetology. For example, you can put on your skin a special tool, combined with the action of ultrasound or the same influence on the skin with liquid nitrogen to remove the discomfort and narrow pores. Between cleanings doctor will advise you to use special medical tools to help maintain clean skin in this condition.

After the procedure, you can not touch the face for a few hours as possible the risk of infection. Also note that the skin at this point too sensitive and need protection from UV radiation and other negative factors.

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