Friday, January 28, 2011

Face Mask At Home

Modern beauty salons offer a wide variety of ways to care for the face, among which there are facials. However, to afford such a luxury does not always allow the time or spare cash, so many ladies prefer to conduct such procedures at home. There are several ways to do this with the best effect.

Of course, the most important point is the choice of a cosmetic product. For the purposes of the mask basically divided into moisturizing, deep cleansing, toning, nourishing and anti-aging. So, first of all, you need to understand the condition of the skin of the face, and what effect should be achieved. As a general rule, a deep cleaning (or steamed) masks should be used only once a week, but the ladies with dry skin should extend this to two weeks. Those who are familiar with the problem of the blood vessels on the face, do not be so "warm up" the skin, it is better to use a more sensitive tool for purification. Moisturizing masks are very useful after a busy day at the computer, and after flights and long trips in an air conditioned transport.

Hydrating mask is best applied before bed - most often, they do not require rinsing, and active ingredients by soaking overnight, the evening will replace cream application. When choosing to look for active components, as well as their percentages - for example, if promised a beneficial effect of aloe extract or ginger, the symbol of this ingredient at the end of the list will be a sign of its extremely low content out there. In matters of confidence to a particular manufacturer, each defined by itself, but the easiest way would be not to focus on a single brand, and take in information on emerging market news, good opportunity to use testers are now available in all decent shops.

In preparation for the procedure enough to remember a thorough cleansing of the skin and its examination for foci of inflammation and other damage. Warning that the facility can not use on inflamed skin, it is written on each package altogether without reason - a number of components of masks (eg, fruit and other acids) can help in this case a negative impact. Mechanism for applying cosmetic products vary depending on the structure of the mask - for example, creamy applied on the basic massage lines without touching the eye area and lips. Also, do not be zealous in applying nutritional and tonic masks in the areas of vellus hair growth, resulting in hair growth can be boosted. The so-called film mask (often they are deep cleansing), which after drying to gently "removed" from the person who should be applied to thin, and most importantly, a uniform layer - then will not have to scrape off the face of not had time to dry mass. To simplify our lives, many manufacturers have been using disposable cloth masks impregnated with the required composition. Use them very easily - just flatten the mask on your face and do not forget to press tightly against her in the wings of the nose and chin.

It is also important and the process is waiting for results. Remember that like most about our salon procedures? That's right, the opportunity will not rush out and be lazy. Of course, in the home must independently perform certain actions cosmetologist, but to arrange a timeout it does not hurt. The maximum time for the action of the mask - 30 minutes, it usually takes half the time. For this term to lie down, put your feet on a couple of cushions and closed his eyes. If we manage to muffle the light and listen to relaxing music - consider action masks has increased by an order. And may you not be ashamed of abandoned household chores - getting a charge of vivacity, after you deal with them much faster.

After completion of the procedure would be best for some time to stay indoors (steamed using a mask, do it just need) to give the skin the opportunity to soak up all the active components and does not allow her to undergo contamination. Apply makeup for a while is not worth it, even if the mask was applied before an important interview, allow yourself to wait at least half an hour. By the way, before all sorts of important activities to use only the previously tested tools - surprises in the form of small red spots or other reactions to an unknown mask can ruin the mood.

And another small detail - the use of masks, as well as other ways to take care of themselves, necessarily require a love for yourself and your appearance. Do this carefully, imagining what are the benefits of your face, treat yourself with tenderness, then the result will not disappoint. Happy Masquerade!

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