Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Choose A Hair Color?

Assess the condition of your hair and make recommendations for application should clearly a professional, so the first painting is recommended in the cabin - it is a guarantee that the result of you not in any case not be disappointed.
What most professionals advise their clients when they come to them in the hope of finding beautiful and unusual image by changing hair color?

1. If the skin of your face is covered with moles, freckles or has other noticeable defects or features, it is not recommended to choose light or dark rich tone colors. Burning brunette and platinum blonde must be owners of pure gorgeous skin, otherwise it will even small flaws will be too evident.

2. If you have purchased, or there is an innate tendency to various allergic reactions on your face, do not dye hair red shades to choose: intense copper-red, mahogany, burgundy, red garnet red wine, etc., as these colors will be strongly issue shortcomings, especially the different reddening skin.

3. If you are the owner of pale skin, then you will approach a dark brown, gray, reddish hues and delicate cherry, ash blond, aubergine, chestnut and wild plum, etc.

4. If your facial skin is delicate olive-colored, then you are ideal: honey blonde, ginger, milk chocolate, etc.

5. If you find it difficult to decide on fundamental changes, you can try to win-win situation: find a shade of paint, which is as close to your natural color and buy one shade lighter than the tone of your natural hair color, mix and dye - this method is needed to ensure that if you do not like the result, you will get paint on the darker tone and thus will choose exactly what you need.

6. Not recommended for use on colored hair conditioners and shampoos, which contain natural oils, as they can change the hue of your hair, especially at the roots.

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