Sunday, January 30, 2011

How To Make Hair Shine?

Every woman wants to make her hair look gorgeous and attract others, but they wonder: how can this be achieved? There is one simple advice: Give your hair shine. Indeed, only healthy and shiny hair that's true beauty. But if your hair is naturally lost power, you can use the following tips.

The first and main board in the hair care is proper diet, try to eat only useful food, rich vitamins, but it also should give up smoking, and most importantly during installation, use gentle means in order to minimize harm.
The following tips are classified as traditional medicine. There are some simple recipes that you can use at home:

- Apply to clean hair and chamomile broth half an hour put the insulated cap, then wash the head, preferably with a shampoo;
- As a rinse for dark hair, you can use a mixture of three teaspoons of organic coffee and half a liter of boiling water;
- To give more light red hair can be mixed beet and carrot juice, in equal proportions, then on 15 minutes put on insulated hood, preferably at the same time within a few minutes to warm up his head a hair dryer, after expiration of time, rinse the head with warm water;
- Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with a liter of water, and rinse with this solution head;
- Mix a teaspoon of olive oil, honey, shampoo and juice of one small onion, put this mask on hair roots for a maximum of 30 minutes, then wash hair with shampoo, to improve the appearance of hair is recommended to use such a mask 2 times a month.

In addition to the popular recipes in the hair care no small part igraetschetka hair, make the right choices and get a brush with natural bristles. This brush does not break the hair and its frequent use of your hair will become natural color, since natural bristles contain natural oils that are combing evenly distributed along the entire length of hair.

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