Saturday, February 5, 2011

Honey Face Mask

Honey has a healing effect on skin. He has the ability to penetrate through the pores of our skin, where they accumulate in the subcutaneous tissue - enriched with vitamins, amino acids, glyukogenom and trace elements, due to this skin firmness, elasticity and color returns to normal.
Refreshing Mask: 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of honey, whole milk and lemon juice. To add thickness, ground rolled oats.
The mask of honey and glycerin with oat flour: one teaspoon of liquid lime honey mixed with 1 teaspoon of glycerin and 2 teaspoons of water and gradually mix with 1 teaspoon of oatmeal, stir thoroughly until smooth. The mask is applied to dry skin, 1-2 times a week for 1.5 months.
The mask of honey and glycerin with oatmeal and aloe juice: made from linden honey, water, juice, aloe vera and oatmeal, taken in equal numbers. Technology - as the previous one. Shown for dry normal skin with a clear sign of fading. Good tones, refreshes and rejuvenates facial skin. Applied 1-2 times a week. The course is 1.5 months.
The mask of honey-protein tolokonnaya: is used in a flabby, flaccid, wrinkled skin. Good tones, refreshes, nourishes and rejuvenates. Preparation: to 1 tablespoon. spoon of liquid honey add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal, then mix with one beaten egg-white, place a mask 2 times a week.

The mask of honey and lemon: 2 Tbsp. spoons of liquid honey mixed with the juice of one lemon. Soaked in this mixture gauze applied on face for 15 minutes. During this time, change the cloth 2-3 times. Course of 15-20 masks. Or different proportions: 100 grams of honey mixed with the juice of 1 lemon.
Egg and Honey Mask: Mix egg yolk and add a small amount of acacia honey and a flat brush to put on your face.
Strawberry juice with honey: you take an equal number of well-mixed and applied to the face to whiten and give freshness.
Yolk-honey-oil mask is prepared as follows: 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. butter and honey mixed. A mixture of layers applied to the face and neck with three layers. Removed wet swab.
Means of acne on the basis of honey
Cucumber extract and honey: 3 tbsp. chopped cucumber pour a glass of boiled water and infuse for 3 hours. Strain the infusion and add 1 teaspoon of honey. This mixture to moisten the face and after half an hour to wash with cool water at room temperature;
Sage tea with honey: 1 tbsp. spoon leaves pour a glass of boiling water, leave on low heat, covered for 5 minutes, strain through a half hour add 1 teaspoon of honey. Making lotion morning and night;
Honey-potato mixture: a glass of potato juice to add a tablespoon of honey, mix well and apply on gauze.
By the glass of warm water add 1 teaspoon of honey and pharmaceutical tincture of calendula, applied as a lotion for oily acne skin;
Creams based on honey
Beauty Balm: by 18 g of wax and glycerol, 4 g of paraffin, 1 g of sulfur, 50 g of castor oil, 2 drops of pink. oil or lavender. All the heat over a low heat and add 100 g of honey. Stir until smooth.
Cream to improve the elasticity of skin and reduce wrinkles: Take in equal quantities (10-20 g), beeswax, honey, onion juice, and white lilies. All this warm over a low heat in an enamel bowl, stirring until formation of mass, cool and lubricate the face morning and night.
Nourishing cream for facial skin: Wax 3 g, 6 g of spermaceti, glycerol, 4 grams over low heat add 24 g of peach or apricot soap.

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