Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Useful Tips for Removing Freckles

When spring comes, many girls and women begin to think about their vesnushechkah. Freckles give the face a natural and unique originality. However, very few people can accept themselves as they eat and enjoy. Personally, I seem charming freckles that differ from the other girl her naturalness.

In fact freckles - is efelidy that appear on the skin due to uneven distribution of coloring pigment melanin in the skin. Melanin is for all people, except that albinos. However, most rashes are subject to red-haired and fair-haired people. Moreover, people with red hair freckles can not pass even in winter. With the advent of spring and the advent of the first spring sun freckles appear on the skin in a double quantity. The thing is that the sun turns the amino acid tyrosine into melanin, provoking the appearance of freckles.

Not all want to be adorned with these sunny kisses. And even the fact that the age of thirty, they decrease, and by the forty-general may be lost is not a consolation. But do not worry, there are many ways for removing unwanted spots on the skin, and as folk remedies and professional.

From cosmetic peels produce the median, deep and superficial. Medium and deep peels are preferably held in the autumn or winter, but spring and summer, as the skin after such procedures become hypersensitive to the action of ultraviolet light. Poverhnostnyepilingi can be done at any time. We recommend to give preference to facilities with enzymes of papaya and pineapple, and exfoliating with jojoba wax beads. These funds are soft, and jojoba even allows you to keep a healthy tan on the skin. Avoid funds with the content of glycolic acid that increases skin's sensitivity to the sun. And try to use the exfoliating means not too much to not get back the desired effect.

If you do not want to always use the otshlushivayuschimi means, then use the tan. The trick is that on a dark tanned skin freckles invisible.
If you consider yourself to be a supporter of natural remedies for skin, we offer several masks that can be prepared at home.
The most popular and time-tested mask - a cucumber. Cucumber cut into thin slices and place on the face, covering the maximum area of the face. Hold the mask of twenty to thirty minutes, then wash with warm water and apply your favorite nourishing cream.

To prepare the mask with parsley Take some leaves of this plant, finely chop and mash in a mortar, then add two tablespoons of yogurt and mix. Hold the finished mask on face for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.
Citrus Mask: Take a slice of lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Stir the juice with two tablespoons of low-fat curds. Ready mix, apply to the skin for ten minutes and rinse with warm water. Again, apply the cream.

You can also wipe the skin orange or lemon juice.
And finally, I would like to say that bleach freckles gradually. Much easier to prevent their occurrence, rather than fight with them. Therefore, be sure to use creams with protection from ultraviolet radiation. For help with this would be the usual foundation and powder. If possible wear baseball caps, hats, visors, sunglasses that will protect you from exposure to sunlight.
P.S. And in any case not to be confused with moles freckles. Do not use all of the above funds to the moles and do not touch them.

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