Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to be healthy by realizing effects of soft drinks

If you think that soft drinks like sodas do not affect your health, then you are wrong. There are many soft drinks negative effects, which you should know about consuming soft drinks. If you check the components of soft drinks, then you will hardly find any vitamins in them. Neither will you find any essential nutrients in these drinks. Many studies have also shown that consuming too much soft drink leads to obesity, nutritional depletion, tooth decay, diabetes, and even heart diseases.

Therefore, if you wish to stay healthy and fit and lose some weight, you should cut down on soft drinks as well. Many people drink sodas low on calorie content, but this can lead to weight gain. These drinks in consumed regularly and in more amount can also decrease the calcium in your body. You can switch to healthier drinks like fresh fruit juices to stay away from common health problems caused because of soft drinks. Low-calorie drinks are not completely free calories as they contain artificial sweeteners. Remember the soft drinks negative effects before you consume soft drinks next time.

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