Saturday, September 10, 2011

How to maintain healthy eating habits

If you maintain healthy eating habits, then not only can you maintain your body weight, but also slow down the aging process. A healthy diet comprises of many different food items with less calorie content and more nutrients. For maintaining your eating habits, you should eat different nutrient-rich food like fruits, vegetables, fish, poultry, and some other kinds of protein food. You should also resort to exercising along with a healthy diet to lose the extra pounds.

Another way of maintain healthy eating habits is to eat in moderate portions. You can also take help of food guide for finding out recommended serving sizes. Instead of eliminating some foods, you should reduce the amount. Try to include low-fat products in your diet. Check the label of the food items you buy to find out how many calories they contain. There is no need of changing your eating habits instantly, as a gradual change is more effective. If you are hungry in between meals, then eat some healthy snack, as it can keep you satisfied.

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