Friday, September 9, 2011

Know about asthma

Asthma is a common problem found in many people, and it has taken the lives of many people. Asthma is a chronic disease of the airway and it causes breathing problems. The patients suffer from severe airflow obstruction, which includes coughing and wheezing. We can classify the asthma in to various symptoms such as atopic and non atopic. Asthma is caused due to environmental factors and genetic. Asthma is a curable disease and it takes long time to cure. People suffering from asthma usually inhale salbutamol.

You can prevent asthma with the help of allergens and irritants. The patients suffering from asthma are prone to cold weather and dust, and they start to cough violently. A recent study shows that 300 million people are affected by asthma and still the figures are rising every day. The total death caused by asthma is 250,000 deaths all around the world. You can control asthma with the help of various therapies and medicines. To prevent asthma you can take regular medication, and prevent going out in the dust.

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