Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ageproof Your Body (Part 2)

Recent research shows that every year heart shrinks a little and its ability to pump blood through your body decreases by up to 5%. “Certain lifestyle factors such as poor diet, leading a sedentary life and stress, all combine to make our hearts older,” says Shafeeque Mohammed.

IF YOU DO NOTHING ELSE Stop smoking. Not a smoker? The next steps are to drink moderately, keep your weight down, exercise and eat a good diet – that means plenty of fish, wholegrains, fruit and veg.

THE FOOD THAT HELPS Spinach is one of the best-known sources of folate, which reduces levels of a heart-harming chemical called homeocysteine. To maximise effects, chop it fine, which studies say makes the folate more available.

YOUR EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION In an ideal world, of exercise for ultimate heart health is 40 minutes of walking every day plus at least one hour of more strenuous exercise, such as running or swimming, once a week. And don’t forget to stretch: Japanese researchers fave found that women who stretch have 7% more flexible arteries than other women, which boosts heart health.

*HOT OFF THE PRESS A genetically modified soya bean is being developed in the US to increase omega-3 acids in the blood and potentially halve the number of heart attacks. It could be available within four years, but for now keep eating oily fish.

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