Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ageproof Your Body (Part 3)

By the age of 45, over a quarter of us will have high blood pressure (defined as 140/90 or above). By 55, that figure is 42%. “As we age, the arteries lose elasticity, and the stiffer the arteries, the harder blood pushes against them,” explains health expert, Mike Rich. But there are things you can do to keep your levels healthy (defined as 120/80):

IF YOU DO NOTHING ELSE Cut your salt intake. Salt raises blood pressure as it causes your body to retain fluid, which increases the amount of blood in your system. “Sticking to the recommended 6g a day makes a huge difference,” says Mike. Cutting salt can lower blood by five points in just four weeks.

THE FOOD THAT HELPS Beetroot juice. Doctors found that drinking 500ml caused blood pressure to drop within an hour and to stay low for the next 24 hours. It’s believed that nitrates in the juice cause blood vessels to become more elastic, which drops pressure fast. Try Redibeets Red Beet Juice Powder, R333, available from health stores.

YOUR EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION Exercise reduces blood pressure because it strengthens the heart, but you don’t need to be a gym junkie to get results. New research from Canterbury Christ Church University has shown that walking at a steady pace is actually better lowering blood pressure than working out super-fast (possibly because it’s less stressful to the body). Aim to reach a pace that feels like ive out of 10 for 30 minutes five times a week.

*HOT OFF THE PRESS Italian researchers have found that listening to soothing music and breathing slowly for 30 minutes a day lowers blood pressure by an average of three points in a week. That’s a 12% lower risk of heart disease if your pressure is high.

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