Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Healthier You... (Part 1)

You want to be healthier… but you just don’t have time. You do now. Here are 20 ways to boost your wellbeing - all it takes is five minutes.

1. Snack Attack

Feeling really guilty about your snacking habit? Eating a little frequently rather than lots in one go could be the best thing you could do for your heart, according to a study in the British Medical Journal. The University Of Cambridge study 14,000 people found that humans, like animals, are best eating little and often, as this helps to keep harmful cholesterol levels low.

2. Handy Knowledge

You know you should apply SPF15 every day to your face but, according to the National Radiological Protection Board, your hands are similarly common site for skin cancer. So use a hand cream with sunscreen and you’ll save yourself from having old-lady hands early, too.

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