Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kitchen Cures (Part 2)

GINGER – eases sickness
What it’s good for: Nausea, digestion and arthritic pain.
Why it works: The secret is gingerols, an ingredient that gives ginger its characteristic taste and which has a similar structure to aspirin. So it has analgesic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and anti-sickness properties. Drink ginger tea, eat ginger biscuits, chew crystallised ginger and ginger gum or take it in tablet form. Or take 1g to 2g of fresh powdered ginger every four hours as needed.
Where to get it: From the chemist. A typical price is around £6 for 90-120 capsules. Root ginger is sold in most supermarkets.

SAGE – beats hot flushes
What it’s good for: Menopausal night sweats.
Why it works: Sage leaves contain a variety of essential oils and their astringent properties inhibit perspiration and generally dry up secretions. Drink sage leaf as a tea use it in stuffing or buy in capsule form. Use 4-6g of fresh sage leaves per day for infusions.
Where to get it: Grow sage in the garden, buy it fresh from the supermarket or as capsules, priced around £10 for 30, from health shops.

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