Friday, September 17, 2010

Kitchen Cures (Part 1)

Honey, chamomile and elderberries sound delicious, but they can also be simple and effective cures for a host of common aliments. Dr Sarah Brewer explains their medicinal properties and how you can make use of them.
MANUKA HONEY – fights infection
What it’s good for: Healing wounds and bosting your body system, so that it can fight against infections.

Why it works: It contains powerful natural antibiotics derived from the manuka bush, bative to New Zealand. Research shows they’re effective against bacteria, even super-bugs such as MRSA. The strength is shown by the Unique Manuka Factor rating – only manuka honey with a minimum UMF rating of ten is “active”. Don’t use any honey without a UMF rating on wounds and avoid it if you have diabets, expect under medical advice.
Where to get it: From health shops. A typical dose is up to four teaspoons, two to four times a day.

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