Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Lose Weight Correctly

    Modern lifestyle makes a lot of people think about the problem of excess weight. In our minds of a successful person, his attitude to life and status depends on its shape.That is, healthy, smart, well-built man usually makes others much more positive emotions than the person in the vague outlines of saccular clothes.
But there is also another side to the universal quest for the ideal image. So, the people who decide to lose weight, trying to, for example, too much tightening diet and literally harass a variety of exercises and diets.

    How to lose weight correctly, what techniques to use in order to achieve harmony and perfect silhouette? First of all, we should mention that, contrary to popular opinion, fast enough to lose weight is bad. For the human body there is a certain "limit" the mass which the body can lose one day. This mass is approximately three hundred grams. According to experts, one of the most useful and effective methods of struggle against excess weight is a sport. Sport that can be practiced to get rid of extra inches, can be anything, but before proceeding to the beginning of training, keep in mind that there are some kinds of physical activities that are literally made to help you lose weight.Thus, aerobic activity can rightly be considered one of the most popular ways to burn fat.

    Aerobic activity is a special kind of training, designed primarily to increase endurance cardio - vascular system. Thus, the number of calories burned depends on the number of heart contractions. That is, the more intense pulse when performing aerobic exercise, the more lost weight. This is because when aerobic activity such as jogging, bicycling or exercise on the stepper, a source of energy for the body is glycogen - glucose in the blood and fat accumulated by the body.

    In addition to aerobic exercise is very effective callanetics. This is a special form of gymnastics developed by Kalan Pinckney. Callanetics is in the same group of exercises that fitness - yoga - This type of fitness is directed mainly to the fact that strengthen the muscles of all parts of the body and improve the "banner". Load, provided a complex exercise Callanetics, calculated for one hour, give the same result as six hours of intensive classes classic shaping. Kalan Pinkney took the best elements of Eastern forms of gymnastics, dance and variety of breathing exercises, combining all these components in one particular form of fitness that really works!

    Of course, if you seriously come to the point and want to not only lose weight but also to consolidate the result, as well as improve overall health, in the difficult task of the struggle for harmony will help you a variety of useful nutrition and diet, which, of course, do not abuse .

    There are plenty of dining options designed to strengthen your body, to adjust the gastrointestinal tract, and, naturally, to save you from fat. One of the most effective nutrition programs of this kind is a separate food. It is believed that the inventor of the theory of separate food was Herbert Shelton, who first proposed to separate edible products into three groups, which can be combined only in pairs. According to the theory of Shelton, the products are divided into three categories according to their content of substances such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Group protein products includes meat, eggs and beans, with carbohydrates include potatoes, flour and sugar, and to fats - milk products, cheese, and cheese. When eating with each other can be combined only proteins and fats, as well as fats and carbohydrates.Fruits and vegetables can be combined with the products of any of the groups. The method of feeding, the creator of which is Herbert Shelton was recognized as one of the most effective for weight loss. Where separate power body to process food, which is identical to the rate of digestion, whereas when combined, for example, proteins and carbohydrates authorities are forced to work in a stressful mode that eventually leads to poisoning of the body.

    With regard to diet, they exist in abundance. When choosing a diet should be guided not so much tempting promises of incredibly quick weight loss as a set of products, authorized for use at a time during which you plan to stick to the diet. So, do not choose diet, the main principle is to organize the power system based on the protein.Takiediety only harm your health. A good diet can statgrechnevaya diet and a diet called "Bonn soup." Adhering to the first of these, you can significantly lose weight, eating alone, buckwheat, and the second diet suggests eating vegetable soup for a week, which also guarantees a sufficiently good result.
Working out and eating properly, remember that you not only get rid of excess weight, but also strengthens your body, give yourself a great feeling and mood, meeting smile each day.

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