Pregnancy - the happiest time in every woman's life. How to make sure that your baby is born strong and healthy? It is important to provide him with all the essential nutrients and protect against harmful components. Full and balanced diet during pregnancy - a pledge of lung pregnancy and childbirth, full of strength and energy for life.
What are the basic principles of good nutrition during pregnancy?
First, you need to eliminate the risk of poor consumption of food, so cooking expectant mother should use only fresh and quality products, because food poisoning can cause immense and often irreversible harm to the health of your baby.Unfortunately, now follow this advice is difficult enough, but make every effort to implement this policy simply must!
Secondly, the expectant mother will have to change the usual time of pregnancy to her diet. Now, when the baby is growing and gaining strength, the uterus grows and begins to compress the internal organs, and therefore need to eat more frequently but in smaller numbers. Optimal is eating four - five times a day, with the last time you need to eat at least two hours before bedtime.
Now dwell in more detail on what should comprise the food of pregnant women.Proteins - the main component necessary for your child to build different systems of his body. Therefore, in the first half of pregnancy in the diet, there should be no less than 100 grams per day, while the second - 120 grams per day, with not less than fifty percent of them should be animal protein. In the future mother's diet should include about 150 grams of lean meat (it can be poultry) or fish, at least half a liter of milk or milk products, as well as cottage cheese, and at least one egg.
When choosing vegetable fats, bet on the first-class oil: olive, soybean, linseed, corn or peanut. In their diet should be from 15 to 30 grams. With regard to animal fat - it should be clarified or butter of higher grades.
To obtain carbohydrates is recommended to use foods rich in fiber, namely, black bread, fruit, berries, vegetables, cereals and products such as sugar, sweets, biscuits and white bread is better excluded from the diet. A pregnant woman should receive an average of three hundred and fifty grams of carbohydrates per day in the first half of pregnancy and four - in the second.
During pregnancy, women should be 2 - 2.5 liters of fluid a day, about half of which is contained in the used products, and hence free liquid, which also include first courses, you must drink an average of one - a half liter. It is better that it was juice, fruit drinks, fruit drinks and jelly.
And finally, the vitamins, which provide the normal course of physiological and biochemical processes in the body. During pregnancy should be enough of these vitamins, like vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin D, folic acid. Minerals are also necessary for normal development of the baby.
Finally, it should be noted that compliance with all rules of a healthy balanced diet during pregnancy - it is difficult enough, but the expectant mother should realize that now she must take care not only about themselves but about their future child.
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