In ancient times believed that only the eyes can not lie, maybe it is. And what do you do if the mirror "okrivelo? If the eyelid was swollen, his eyes swollen, and Morgan with difficulty - hello, as always at the wrong time, quite unexpectedly - the barley!
Someone now this problem seem far-fetched and ridiculous, but what vashyachmen on the eye compared with the global financial crisis! But to anyone who has ever survived battle with the insidious sore, amusing all of the above will not be presented.And quite rightly. Let's try together to figure out what kind of attack, and most importantly - what to do.
As the medical encyclopedia, and barley - is "an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland at the base of the eyelashes." From all this we need to determine the take home ground - is a purulent inflammation, and such things are not vygrevayutsya! Somehow staunchly widely believed that barley should be fought by applying a hot cooked hard-boiled eggs or sac with heated salt. Maybe someone is, and will help, but only at a very early stage, which must still manage to catch. A further warming will only aggravate the state of the eyes, swelling will be much greater.I say, having experienced first hand - the portrait was damaged completely.
At the first sign of an imminent threat can cauterize (but very carefully!) Place in the century, a fresh slice of garlic. However, once a reservation, people with sensitive skin this way is contraindicated, a burn may be even worse than barley.
That modern medicine offers from this illness? In any pharmacy will advise to apply eye drops, and at night to impose any eye ointment with an antibiotic, tetracycline, for example. And what if the barley get out one after another, and capital funds are not so good help. In this case, we turn to the age-old traditions, which advises us to traditional medicine.
Effective method is to latch on the lid of the yogurt lotions. Lilac leaves, carefully crushed, it should be for a long time to attach to where it hurts, do this procedure 5-7 times a day, it is believed that one day the inflammatory processes must be stopped.Or here's another recipe: rip a few leaves of Plantago major and apply on the eyelid, changing the sheet every five minutes. Mashed fresh burdock root is also a good way of getting rid of barley.
If you are firmly convinced that this kind of adversity come solely from the evil eye, you probably want to take advice from the encyclopedia of folk medicine. We invited bowed to all four sides, stick to the very eyes (barley), fig, and say the following plot: "Shock, shock, kukishok on you, honey, smear, smoke, tire out, shock, shock, sit an inch, the wind poveet, sun prigreet, the bird will fly, grain vyklyuet by light scatter, put into a pit, the pit at the edge of the world where people do not go, and the wolves howl. " Is critical to treat this or not - you decide, in the end, is so important, how to get rid of disease, the main thing - to learn with him to fight. In general, barley considered a disease of debilitated people with low body resistance, in other words - if the immune system is weak, then the probability of "bloom" increases many times. So what vitamins and vitamins again! Especially the C and A.
Our short trip to the "kingdom of crooked mirrors" come to an end. Let's appoint our next meeting on the other side, where beauty is the mirror of our souls are not marred by any disease. Health to you!
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