Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Stress Test – Are You An Optimist?

How you handle stressful situations says a lot about your world-view, researchers have found. Take this quiz to figure out whether your coping style is positive or pessimistic.

1. You arrive at the airport to find your flight has been canceled.
A. You let the airline try to sort things out.
B. You get on the phone with your travel agent to seek alternate flights.

2. You hear a rumor that your mate has been cheating on you.
A. You decide to confront him.
B. You tell the gossip she’s mistaken and ignore her.

3. Your hairddresser botches your haircut the day before a big meeting.
A. You work you bad hair day into your presentation by qupping that you’ve always wanted to look like a Beatle.
B. You call in sick and arrange to meet by conference call.

4. Your mom breaks her hip.
A. You tell her she’s accident-prone and needs to hire a handyman.
B. You make an appointment for a bone density test because you figure you could be at risk for osteoporosis.

5. You want to host a last-minute party to celebrate a friend’s promotion.
A. You ask guests to bring a favorite dish for a potluck.
B. You take the afternoon off, run to the store, and prepare a gourment meal from scratch.

6. Your daughter gets cut from the soccer team.
A. You figure it’s a great chance to spend more time together and buy yourself a pair of cleats so the two of you can practice.
B. You try to cheer her up by saying you aren’t much of an athlete either.

KEY: People with an optimistic coping style are more likely to choose:
1.B , 2.A , 3.A , 4.B , 5.A , and 6.A

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