Monday, November 22, 2010

5 Tips For A Successful Diet

Virtually every one of us (here I am, of course, first of all mean women) at least once in my life sat on a diet. And therefore know firsthand about the great multitude of diets and their negative impact on health, and all the difficulties of "dietary" period. And the saddest thing, as a rule, after the diet hated pounds return.
So is there no way to sustain a diet and save the results?

Try to follow some tips below:
1. Make it a rule to go for a walk. You can not believe it, but with it you will certainly lose those extra calories: 10 minutes - 40-70 calories. And indeed, the time has come to believe experts who are not tired to convince us that the more you move, the sooner lose weight. Remember as a child, parents and teachers made us do exercises. And we did not want to believe that it is useful. But, let's go there, really helpful. Try twice a week to do some simple exercises and you will see for yourself. Yes, at least, try alternating walking with jogging on the spot. Puncture a few cycles, each of which will last 2-6 minutes.

After reading this advice, many with genuine bitterness begin to lament the fact that time is something on it there. Then here's the next tip.

2. If you do decide to engage in exercise, divide the training into several parts. Be sure to result from this will not become worse. By the way, if you forget about the existence of the lift, you will have the opportunity to hold one of the above parts are not training twice a week, every day, and not on time.

3. Each of us women, occasionally complains about how tired of the daily homework. But try to look at everyday things in terms of getting rid of extra pounds. Specialists have found that if you spend 10 minutes looking at shop windows, will lose 35 calories, 5 minutes walk with the baby around the house - that's 40 calories less, with each flight of stairs giving you 16 calories, but in a karaoke bar with you for each song there is 20 calories.

4. And allow yourself two times a week to invest in his slender figure 30-40 minutes. Just as much time needed for a simple set of exercises at the fitness club.

5. But most importantly, all this is necessary to carry out consciously, in a good mood, go to the gym as a holiday, not on Calvary. Good humor, lots of traffic and - farewell overweight.

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