Monday, November 22, 2010

Proper Awakening And Morning Exercises

You are in a bad mood? Someone will ask: "Are you on the wrong foot got?" It turns out it is very important - the right to start your day. What does "properly"? We do not think that our bodies work differently in dreams and while awake.

At night, our body slows down all metabolic processes, changes the load on the spine and joints, and even change the volume of blood. Therefore, after a dream can not jump abruptly from the bed. We must continuously preyti from sleep to the working day.

That without training does not change the strain on your heart, you still in bed, do some simple exercises. First, a few deep breaths. When inhaling maximally inflate the abdomen, and exhale it deep drag. So we call a rush of blood to the organs of digestion. When breathing is enhanced and the work of the lungs.
Then you need to turn on your left side, pressing his knees to his chin with his hand on the right upper quadrant, to 10-15 deep breaths. So we influence the biliary tract.

If you have health problems, in the morning exercises is better to include some special exercises. For example, in osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine, still lying in bed, you need several times with the power to press back of his head on the pillow. And when it climb out of bed, slowly flowing movements make 5.10 turns heads left and right, 10.05 tilts his head back and forth.

Lying on a bed, putting both hands on the forehead, it is easy pomassiruem its circular motion. Well grind ears, especially massaging thumb and forefinger earlobes. To restore the blood circulation of course, raises his arms and legs up and makes a move reminiscent of "tarakanchika - shake hands and legs simultaneously.
Then you need some time to reduce the force arm, bent at the elbows. You can, hugging the pillow with both hands, with the force pressed it 10 times. It's a strain on your shoulder and chest muscles.

It's time to wake up your spine! Lying on your back, turn the legs, knees bent, then one or the other side several times. It would be nice to remember how the cat wakes up. Let us stand up to the elbows and knees, and in turn will make a "kitty", then arching, then bending his back and chest touching the bed.

Now do the exercise for the legs - is a "bicycle" 10 times forward 10 times backwards. "Scissors" is also 10 times. Then, with a maximum amplitude of both feet write down the numbers from 0 to 10. These exercises will help with varicose veins.

Feel - was a dream! Now on it, massaging the feet. Chinese medicine has long proven that it is on the soles of the feet have nerve endings that are responsible for the functioning of all our internal organs.
Teach wake up gradually! If "exercises for the lazy" will you have a habit, you are guaranteed a great feeling for the whole day.

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