Monday, November 22, 2010

Bodyflex: Breathing Exercises For Weight Loss

Breath - an important function of living organisms is necessary for a normal and fulfilling life. Surprising, but breathing is also an effective method of losing weight and maintaining good shape! But not the usual chest breathing and physiological breathing.

Physiological breathing - that's the way shall be covered by a deep and cyclical breathing stomach in combination with stretching and static postures, which allows you to burn off those extra pounds. In this method of breathing oxygen cost of all cells of the body, increases lung capacity, visual acuity returned to pass headaches, strengthens the immune system, metabolism and health in general. At first it will seem unfamiliar, but soon you get a feeling for it and pretty quickly get used to this kind of breathing. This method is also called Bodyflex. That Bodyflex plays an important role for the intestine and calorie consumption, and also helps tighten the muscles.

Few people know that newborn babies' breathing stomach and their breasts remain nearly stationary. Over time the diaphragm muscles tense up more and people are gradually beginning to breathe only through his upper chest. The result is that we use the light only at 20%, breathing is not the end, we stop breathing in the middle of the chest.

But one of the exercises Bodyflex "Wave": Should lie on your back, bend your knees at 90 degrees, put your feet straight, put one palm on his chest and another on his stomach. Taking this posture, we must begin breathing exercises. Desirable to perform all the exercises in a free, no chilling movement clothing.
Deal with respiratory exercises for weight loss Bodyflex man can absolutely any age. For best results, do the exercises regularly for 15 minutes twice a day.

The results of studies physiological breathing can affect intake of certain drugs, including antidepressants, birth control pills and other drugs that slow the body's metabolism.

In addition to these advantages Bodyflex, you can even call some of them: the establishment of the excretory system and the restoration of the cardiovascular system, improve memory and blood circulation.,
It's safe to say that the lessons Bodyflex certainly useful for our body and they deserve our attention, because to maintain a good shape enough to spend on breathing exercises, only 30 minutes! This is negligibly small amount of time and effort can not compare with diligence, and long hours in the gym.

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