Sunday, November 14, 2010

Apitherapy - Treatment Products Plelovodstva

Even in ancient Egypt, honey was revered as the best means for prevention and treatment of many diseases. However, after several hundred years, the ratio of honey has not changed and modern luminaries of science agree with their counterparts in ancient Egypt. In this paper, we just talk about treatment with honey.

Although in fairness it is worth noting that apitherapy (translated from Latin apis meaning "bee") - means treatment not only honey. In Apitherapy used all the products that give us the bees. These substances are poison or apitoxin, propolis, which bees cover the gap in the hive, parchment, or pollen, beeswax, royal jelly, and, finally, bee Podmore.

In Greece, honey was considered food of the gods. This proves that found jewelry, made in the form of amphorae in 1400 BC, on which was written: "Honey, offered to the gods." Even the philosopher Democritus and the doctor offered to pamper the body from the outside with oil, and honey from the inside. Not be superfluous to recall that Democritus lived 110 years.

Western medicine is applied to the treatment of honey and other bee products at the beginning of last century. Doctors began to investigate more thoroughly Apitherapy, conducting experiments, both on themselves and on other people. Has gained special popularity pchelouzhalivanie. Treatment was as follows: the bees were forced to bite a sick person and did not take the sting out of the body still for about an hour.Thus, of the sting for some time did the poison and the bite edema and appeared very itchy. So the doctors treating arthritis or rheumatism.

The most famous modern advocate Apitherapy believe Philip Terchen - a doctor from Austria. He managed to cure arthritis with pchelouzhalivaniya huge number of patients. That he managed to prove that the stronger the rheumatism, the more sessions pchelouzhalivaniya need for improved health. Incidentally, it was the birthday Terchen celebrate World Day of Apitherapy.

Apitherapy is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract, nervous and cardiovascular system. In addition, using honey can cure allergies, but in this case the person should not be allergic to honey itself. Especially useful and effective is the honey in the comb, which is considered a delicacy of the highest quality. Doctors are advised to chew cells within fifteen minutes, and spit out the wax.Since patients are easier to cope with the passage of allergic diseases.

Specifically, the honey is used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Med copes with the task of healing. Propolis is a unique natural antiseptic. It helps strengthen the immune system and fights infections, even with tuberculosis.

Ambrosia or "bee bread" - is a biologically active supplement, which is a huge number of trace elements and vitamins. On the day the person rather 10-15 grams of Perge, to recharge and strengthen immunity.
Royal Jelly can excrete the heavy metals and radioactive substances. Pchelouzhalivanie cope not only with back pain, but also with migraine attacks, sleep disorders, sexual dysfunction, vascular dystonia. Throughout the world today are designed hundreds of formulations based on bee products, conducts international scientific events on Apitherapy. Apitherapy is gaining in popularity and becomes a subsidiary, as the main treatment for many diseases.Some doctors have already called Apitherapy medicine of the future.

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