Saturday, November 13, 2010

Why Are Women More Prone To Cystitis?

Cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder mucosa is the most common disease in urology. Diagnosis will not be difficult, even without the participation of a physician based on symptoms. It would seem to cure this disease does not cause any difficulty.You go to a pharmacy to buy medicines and a few days the problem is solved. But the disease is insidious ... and if you treated yourself, then you will soon feel the symptoms again.

Most often the disease affects women, and age does not matter. Why? Anatomical features of the female body. The proximity of the short urethra to the anus and the vagina facilitates the penetration of pathogenic bacteria in the urinary tract.

In addition, women have periods when the body is more susceptible to infections of this kind. This is the age of 4 to 7 years old when the girls change the microflora in the vagina, the beginning of sexual life, menopause. During these periods, it is particularly important to observe good personal hygiene. Also at risk are those who suffer from inflammation of the colon, chronic constipation, who have anal fissures. In these cases, the infection enters a current-carrying lymph. Cause of acute cystitis may be any pockets of chronic infections. Pathogenic infections occur first in the blood and then into the bladder.

Did you know that allergies can also be a cause of cystitis? An allergic reaction can develop not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes. Such symptoms as frequent urination, burning, drawing pains in the lower abdomen, cloudy urine showed the presence of cystitis. But we should not diagnose yourself, definitely confirm the diagnosis can only be an analysis. Similar symptoms may also occur in other diseases.

In the treatment of cystitis can not do without antibiotics. Conducted the tests, the doctor will determine the nature of the bacterial flora and sensitivity to various drugs.Unfortunately, the majority of women relapse cases. Having the right treatment you can avoid it. In the treatment of the most widely used uroseptics, they create unfavorable conditions for the "stay" of infection in the urinary tract.
Less likely to think of cystitis will help more attention to their health.
Should try to eliminate as possible causes of the disease:
Identify and treat chronic foci of infectious diseases;
Watch for regular bowel;
Drink plenty of fluids (liquid enough does not allow stagnation in the body, and thus contributes to a more rapid withdrawal of infection from the body). Try not to supercool. Undercooling causes a spasm of blood vessels that disrupts blood flow in the surrounding organs. Which in turn weakens the local immune defense. As a result of infection is activated and triggers an inflammatory process.
Be attentive to your health!

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