Sunday, November 21, 2010

Charging Back To Health

    Everyone knows that a flexible backbone and strong muscles - healthy back guarantee. To back does not hurt, you should do simple exercises. Before training must stretch, take a few slopes to the floor and in the side. Such a mini-banner will prepare your muscles to more serious training.

Charging for the back
    Exercise 1. Starting position - on his knees, his hands clearly below the shoulders. On the inhale bend the spine, threw back his head back on the exhale - arches her back, his head bowed down (try to press your chin to your chest). Performed slowly, making long smooth breaths. Make nine repetitions.

    Exercise 2. Starting position - facing the wall. Spread your feet slightly wider than shoulders. Uprites palms against the wall so that the body sought to be parallel to the floor. In this case, you should be comfortable to stand and the heel should be pushed to the floor. Now we start moving the body, as if it sag down (head below the hands, bending at the waist), then rounding up (pull up the area between the shoulder blades). When driving down the exhale, as you move up doing breath. Perform 5 times.

    Exercise 3. Original position, as in the 1-meter exercise. Scroll down the buttocks on the heels, put your hands on the floor. Uprites forehead on the floor. Relax and feel the stretch across the surface of the back. 're In this position is not less than a minute.

    Exercise 4. Starting position - lying on his stomach. Hands turn the palms towards each other. Tear off the floor while his hands and feet. If it is difficult at the same time, raise your hands, then feet. Try to pick them up as high as possible to maximize the bend in the back. Perform each exercise in score from 3 to 9. Repeat 8 times.

After this exercise must necessarily rest 3-5 minutes.
    Exercise 5. Original position, as in the 1-meter exercise. Tear off the floor directly opposite to each other leg and arm. Keep a figure on the bill from 3 to 9, then return to starting position. Change the leg and arm. Do exercise 3 times for each pair. Now complicate the task - to raise the same name leg and arm. Also make a lift to 3 for each pair.
Be Healthy!

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