Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fitbol - A Great Way To "Tighten" The Figure

With the accelerating pace of life in sports or fitness centers are often not enough time. A hunched back, dropped his shoulders, lost the ease of movement and flexibility - the faithful companions "sedentary" lifestyle. But every girl wants to have a slender figure and tighten.

As in the limited vremeniprivesti to tone the muscles of the body? Solving this seemingly difficult task a little more than half a century. The invention of the Swiss physician (by the way, female doctors) - great for sports at home. So, get acquainted, your new friend round, FITBOL.

All ingenious is simple. Fitbol - it's just a solid elastic ball large diameter for the special classes in gymnastics. Performing the exercises, you strengthen the muscles, train your coordination, develop balance and flexibility. In addition, pick yourself up, because studies on ball striking and interesting. Simplicity of the exercises allows you to do, without leaving home, and not even looking up from watching your favorite TV shows.

In order to get maximum effect from classes, fitbol need to choose. Balls of different sizes are available. For miniature ladies, rising to 165 cm, fit ball 45-55 cm in diameter. Girls of average height should choose 65-inch fitbol. A high - 75 cm diameter price issue - from 400 to 2000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. Before buying fitbol, think about where you store it. The ball will need to be a secluded place away from direct sunlight and heating items. When buying, pay attention to the material from which the ball is made. It must be stable and homogeneous. Beginners will be more convenient to use fitbol with special handles to help you feel more confident on the ball. Also note the variety of colors offered. Choose the color that is more pleasing to your eye.

Balls are sold, usually in the deflated state. Pump can be an ordinary bicycle pump, or purchase a hand pump for fitbola in the same store. Fitbol strengthens all the muscles of the body and even difficult, which is not so easy to work in, say, the gym or being engaged in shaping. Good effect on her back and waist. Spine - is the axis of the whole organism. Depends on its state human health. Fitbol improves the vertebrae, removes the burden from the back, eliminating back pain. It is an indispensable option for stretching muscles and relax. Swiss miracle shot, and strengthens the muscles of the arms, thighs and legs. And to strengthen his abdominal muscles do not equal! Fitbol heals, maintains muscle tone. Relieves arthritis, osteoarthritis, varicose veins. In addition, the gym on a bright ball of elastic helps reduce stress, which is important in our rapid time. Even the most ordinary springy motion, sitting on the ball, take a lot of fun to each member of your family. Fitbol very convenient to use instead of a chair, working on the computer, or when watching television. Not only convenient but also useful. Fitbol - a great way to "tighten" the figure and put himself in shape.

Beautiful posture, straightened his shoulders and tripping - all this is achievable with a large bright ball. Remember that movement - that's life. Evaluate yourself all the charm of this wonderful fitness with Ball. After all, today fitbol available to each and sold at any sporting goods store.

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