Thursday, November 18, 2010

Essential Oil Of Geranium: Useful Properties And Applications

Many remember his dislike of "Grandma" geranium - one of the most popular houseplants 20 th century. But not everyone knows that geranium has long been used in medicine and cosmetology for its healing, antiseptic, calming and antiparasitic properties. In the East, its even used in the treatment of cancer. A scent of geraniums can not stand the mosquitoes, mosquitoes, flies and even moles.

In the essential oil of geranium, thanks to the way it is received (steam distillation ground part collected during the flowering period), the concentration of useful components is maximum. It is a colorless or pale-green liquid that has a specific, low-key warm pungent flavor, slightly reminiscent of the smell of roses. Geranium essential oil is widely used in recreational purposes. When dental disease can be applied in the form of applications or widgets in the form of inhalations - during upper respiratory tract diseases, diseases of the ear can lay turundas soaked in oil.

The efficacy of the geranium oil for various skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema, herpes, dandruff, lice, fungus. Its application accelerates regeneration of skin after frostbite and burns, the treatment of ulcers, cuts and wounds.

In addition, geranium beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and used as an aid in the treatment of arrhythmia, tachycardia, ischemic heart disease, as well as normalization of high blood pressure. Its ability to reduce blood sugar level is used for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Another property of geranium essential oil - maintaining hormonal balance, used to normalize and facilitate the state in the premenstrual and menopausal periods.

In aromatherapy geranium oil is used as an antidepressant, which eliminates the tension in exhaustion, fears, heightened aggression. It also has beneficial effects on physical and mental activity, especially in the elderly.
Beauticians recommend the essential oil of geranium for the care of the problem, sensitive, both dry and oily skin and body, with brittleness and loss of hair. It is used in programs for the care of the body due to its anti-cellulite properties.

Methods of application:
Aromatherapy: 4-5 drops in the area of not less than 15 square meters.
Cosmetology: 2-4 drops per 10 g of cream, lotion or other basis, 4-5 drops per 200 ml of shampoo.
Massage: 10 drops in 50 g of any vegetable oil (olive, grapeseed, apricot).
Bathrooms: up to 200 liters of water add 9.8 drops of oil dissolved in the emulsifier, which is used as honey, milk, sea or table salt. Time - up to 20 minutes.
Steam cleaning of the face and inhalation: 1-3 drops per liter of hot water, the duration of the procedure to 10 minutes. During inhalation should turn a blind eye.
Hot and cold compresses: 4-5 drops per 100 ml of water. Lasts for a cold compress - 10-15 minutes, hot - up to two hours.
Gargle: 1-3 drops per 200 grams of warm boiled water.
When the pain in the ear: turundas lay soaked in a mixture of vegetable oils and geranium (ratio 1:5).
Application for dental diseases: on the swab and apply a mixture of vegetable oils of geranium in a ratio of 1:4.
Burns and frostbite: pure essential oil of geranium to put on the affected area.
Contraindications: Before you can use to check individual sensitivity to the geranium.Not recommended for children under the age of 6 years (after - only in a diluted state) and women during the first five months of pregnancy. Not recommended for use in conjunction with the pill. Do not use for a long time.

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